Chapter 1 new beginning part 1

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I was currently in the woods. I looked around to find a cabin or someone but all I see was tree everywhere. I started walking and trying to watch my steps. It was to foggy for me to see and dark so it didn't help much.

I stopped walking and notice that I been walking the same place I came from. I turn around to see my surroundings but everything was clearly the same. Until I heard a twig snap. I slowly turn around to face whoever was behind me. I gasped when I saw a dark figure. I couldn't see his face, it like he doesn't want to be seen.

"You look nice in that white dress" the man said with a husky voice making me shiver. Whoever this guy is dangerous. Wait white dress? I looked down and saw myself wearing a silky white dress. I wasn't wearing this to sleep.

"To bad it gonna be stain with blood" the man said again. I looked up and saw him with a evil smirk. I moved back slowly.

"Who are you" I stuttered.

"Don't worry Scarlett you soon will find out but right now I wanna have a taste of your blood" the man smirked showing his fangs.

I turn around ran with was the wrong thing to do in a flash of an eye the man was now right in front of me. He looked mad.

"I just love how my lunch run away from me. It make things much fun." The man said with a smirk on his face. "Now where were we? Ahh yes." The man said pulled me against the tree. He tilted my head to get a nice view of my neck. I struggled in his hold but this man was to strong for me to budge. I felt pain coming throughout my neck. I scream and scream which was pointless when no one will help me . The man kept drinking my blood. I slowly was losing conscious. He pulled away and cleaned his mouth.

"Well I never in my life have I drank such a sweet amazing blood like yours before. I must have some more" he smirk he let out his fangs again but didn't get to bite my neck.

"It seems that I won't be having your blood again but you will be seeing me lots more. Time to wake up my sweets" the man and disappear. I was now alone.

Dream ended~

I screamed. I looked around and I was in my room safe and sound. I checked my neck to see if I had any bite mark. I sigh in relief no bite mark thank heavens. It was just a nightmare but that dream felt so real.

"Scarlett is everything ok up there" mom yelled from downstairs. I let out a sigh.

"Yea everything is fine." I yelled back.

"Ok well you might wanna get up. You don't wanna miss your flight" mom yelled. I sighed. I looked at the clock beside my bed. It was 6:00 in the morning. Well time to get up Scarlett. I walked toward my window. It was still nighttime. I grabbed my clothes that I picked yesterday and head to the bathroom but of course it was occupy by my annoying brother.

"Charlie hurry up in there" I yelled through the door. Ugh my brother can be so annoying especially taking forever in the bathroom. Hello people in the house have to use the bathroom not just him. The bathroom door open and face my annoying brother.

Charlie had black hair and his eyes are blue and a mix of brown in between. He was build for a 16 years old considering that he a football player in my old school. He just started freshman. The first day of school he already has girl on his ass and asking for his number. I know Charlie will probably end up like a player. Let hope he doesn't end up like that.

"The bathroom is all your majesty" Charlie bowing down. I rolled my eyes and headed to the bathroom before I end up messing my flight.

Your all probably lost figuring out who I am right? Well name is Scarlett Violet Morgan but I prefer to call scar or violet. I'm twenty years old and starting college today. I don't know any particular career I wanna be just yet but I'm sure I will figure it out what I like to do. I have long straight brown hair, my eyes are blue with a mix of green in between. I'm 5'5. I'm grateful to have an amazing body, yea I know very cocky of me but it true. I eat but I never get fat which I love the most about my body. I live in Toronto since I was born. I love the outdoors, party, and I usually have trouble following me. Don't ask me why it just does. Sometime my parents get worry when I go out but come on I'm twenty years old for crying out loud, I need to live a little. I have two amazing bestfriend skylar and Logan Peterson. I know them since we were diapers. I use to remember Logan was a bully back in kindergarten, he use to pick on me 24/7 until skylar came to the rescue. when we hit fifth grade Logan was no longer a bully to us then we became good bestfriend. Skylar is joining me to college but sadly Logan isn't, we asked him why and all he said that he as a job that he cant leave, though he never told us what his job was. It wasn't gonna be the same without Logan around but I'm sure we will keep on touch. So there you have it.

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