Chapter 32: There's hope for us.

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"I'm also glad I got the chance to love you" I spoke making both head snap at my direction.

I was standing four feet away from them. It wasn't exactly a mission to find Aiden and his little hide out. I had to force someone to speak and that someone is Noah and Valentina. It pretty obvious they been out quite a along time. I'm no fool, and hell I didn't grow up to be a fool. You'll probably wondering how I found them and how Xavier threaten Noah to tell us. Let go back to the beginning, shall we? Let's.


I was pacing back and forth in the living room getting a few stares from the others. I can believe Aiden would just leave like that. He thinks he the blame of all this? This is all Brianna doing. Once I find Aiden, I will search for Brianna and kill her with my bare hands. She doesn't want Aiden, she want the throne and power. That all she cares about. The only Brianna is standing next to Aiden is to make everyone think she wants to be queen yet she doesn't know that everyone knows I'm the queen.

"Where is the only place that Aiden could be hiding?" Logan spoke searching for maps.

"There a lot of place that Aiden can be hiding. He has so much secrets places that no one knows." Aiden dad spoke. This is useless.

"Why does Aiden have it be so secretive." Xavier groan. That what want to know!

Wait where Noah and Valentina? I haven't seen them since I woke up. How weird, there always here surrounding us. Unless he know where he keeping them or knows where Aiden can be hiding.

"Where Noah and Valentina?" I spoke looking at everyone else. They all looked at each other and shrugged.

"Speaking of them, where are they?" Xavier said looking around.

"That what I want to know!" I spoke taking a seat in a empty chair.

"You don't think he knows where Aiden is?"

"He sure has hell know where Aiden is. For god sake there best friends." Xavier growled

Right on cue, Noah and Valentina came through the door acting all normal. We all stare at him with a hard look and arms crossed. Noah and Valentina notice the tension in this room. They looked at us. As they notice we know something they turn around and leave but Xavier stopped them.

"Noah, Valentina. I know you know where Aiden is hiding. Speak now?" Xavier said giving them a hard.

"I don't know what your talking about." He stated as he put a straight face. Who is he fooling? I thought.

"Cut the crap Noah. Tell us, or so help me god we will torture you with answers." Logan spoke hardly.

"Fine but you didn't hear this from me. Aiden is in your family cabin, it isn't far from here. Might as well go before he decided to find another place to hide." Noah said finally giving in.

"Now was that so hard?" I spoke with a smile spattered in my face. Noah rolled his eyes.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let find Aiden and bring him back." I announced as everyone got in there feet.

We all walked out the back door straight to the woods. Xavier lead us to the cabin that wasn't far as Noah stated. I have see his cabin before. God I hope he hasn't left. I want him home, in my arms. I notice Xavier stopped running as we spotted the cabin Noah was talking about, the cabin wasn't small like any other cabin. It was a two story, everything was made out if woods.

"He not alone. Listen." Logan spoke as we all heard a girl voice. It wasn't just any girl it was Brianna. I growled furiously making everyone flinch.

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