Chapter 12: friends?

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It been a few weeks that I finally found out that supernatural were real. Me and the rest of my friends expect Aiden have been in good terms. Skylar was happy that me and Mia started talking again since it been pretty much awkward for her that I didn't want to talk to Mia or even hang out with her, of course she asked us why we stop talking but none of us gave her an answer. If your wondering about Aiden well he's around, he hasn't tried talking to me nor bother looking at me. He pretty much keeping his distant from me, he did wanted this not me. I sometimes wonder if he miss me? Wait why I'm thinking if he miss me. Of course he doesn't. This whole complicated soulmate thing is really irritated me.

"Ok I don't know of this is just weird seeing Logan and Mia kissing. Like they just met a week ago and they started having a thing on the next day. Most people take there time getting to know each other. Don't get me wrong I'm happy for Logan but I alway picture Logan as a slow type of guy" skylar said walking through the door and took a seat from a long exhausting day. I shifted a giggle. If only she knew.

"Don't tell me your jealous of Logan and Mia relationship" I smirked. She scoffed and gave me 'what the hell' look.

I shrugged.

"Hey you know. You should totally hook me up with Xavier" skylar said giving me the look. What I mean by the look as in 'you better do it or Imm'a give you hell' look.

I sighed

"Fine but you own me" I said she got up and did a dance. Xavier and skylar wouldn't be to bad for each other. I know Xavier been trying to get her attention and so did skylar. Maybe this getting them together would be a good idea. Though Xavier better not hurt her as you know what I mean by that.

I look at the time, it was now 3 o'l clock in the afternoon. Time to head to class and the fact I have Aiden for class. Just kill me. I grabbed my bag and books. I walk on a Logan and Mia making out still. I cleared my throat making them jump in the mid hair. I had a smirk on my face.

Logan gave me a glare while Mia blush.

"You know if you guys want to make out all you need to do is get a room." I stated making Mia blush again. Who knew vampires can blush.

"You know what in matter of fact I think I will." Logan smirked picking up Mia from the shoulders making her squealed and giggle. I turn around to see Logan taking her to the dorm. I shook my head and began walking to the campus. Once I was our of the dorm I saw Xavier approaching campus. I ran towards him.

"Xavier!" I shouted making him stop and turn towards me with a smirk.

"What can I do for you Scarlett?" Xavier said started walking to campus.

"Well what do you think of my bestfriend skylar" I blurt out. Nice way to start a conversation scar.

"Well she a cool person, fun to flirt and probably good in bed" Xavier said adding a smirk. I smack him across the head.

"Kidding kidding, she beautiful. I'm not gonna lie I might short of have feeling for her" Xavier said admitting the truth. 'Awww' Xavier has a Crush on my bestfriend.

"Well maybe you should do something about it. Skylar like you. Come on you obviously been trying to get her attention and she been pretty much doing the same thing." I stated. We already reached class. Xavier stopped and looked at me.

"You know what I think I will" Xavier said with a smirk. I shook my head and head to class. I saw Aiden and Noah chatting about something when Aiden notice my appearance. I looked away.

"How much I hate to see my brother like this but you need to stop ignoring him scar" Xavier whispered. I don't see what he talking about when Aiden is clearly looks find.

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