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10 years later

"Mommy, Garrett doesn't want to give me back my dolly" My five year old cries.

"Garrett, give Bree back her doll or no desert for you." I yelled from the kitchen. I heard mumbles coming from him. "What was that?" I shouted back.

"Nothing mom." Garrett shouted. I smirked as I continue making there favorite meals and desert.

It been 10 years since Aubrey and Garrett were born. They had grown so much during the years. They yet have to shown any sign of being a vampire, once they hit the age of sixteen is when they will start there transformation. They will go through to the same thing I went through. I wish they didn't but that how they were born to be. Aiden fell in love with them once they were born. Aubrey was always and will be her daddy girl just like Garrett is his momma boy. I never get enough of them. No matter how big they get they will still be my little babies. We had already planned everything out once they turn into a vampire. We will take them back to the castle, where they will transform over there. Once they do, they will be craving for human blood. So it best for them to live in the castle then here. It gonna take another month for them to start training and take control over there new abilities. It not gonna be easy for them, hell it wasn't easy for me. We have everything set for that day to happen.

As for Aiden and me. We decided to live in New York. We wanted a normal life away from the castle and all the danger to our kids. Our kids, doesn't yet know about our lifestyle. We soon will tell them before they start transforming into a vampire. Right now they're are kids and it to soon to tell them. We didn't want to fear them. Anyhow, once we moved to New York. We decided to live our life normally. Aiden pass down his title to Xavier who gladly accepted it. Aiden always had planned on giving Xavier the title. He never wanted to be king and I understand that. We are gladly gave him the title. Believe me, he was happy enough to throw a huge party in the castle. Even if we pass down the title to him, and moved down to New York City. We still fly over to London to visit them. We even bring our kids with us. They know there uncle is king. They were happy to find out there own uncle was a king, that they wishes to be princess and Prince. Though they know, they already are.

It been over three years, Aiden had propose to me. It was the most romantic way of him to propose to me. He took me to France, he always knew I always wanted to go to France. When he surprise me on where we were going, I was excited and happy. France was beautiful and the best way to be on a vacation. The next day, Aiden took me to a date. It was romantic way. He took me on a boat ride. There was a blanket with light up candles, a basket filled with food and a bottle of wine. We stayed watching the star, kiss a little and well you know what had happen next. After the boat ride, he took me to the Eiffel Tower. Right there and then he surprised me with my whole family and friends. I didn't know what was going on until I saw Aiden kneeling down as he was proposing to me. I was in shock at first, I had butterflies building up in my stomach. He gave me a huge speech and I had finally said yes. He was beyond happy as well, as I.

My parents had remarried right after 8 years ago. They all lived happily together. My dad treated my mom like his queen. He had made up for everything he had missed with his wife and us. Every Friday, we always have our family movie date or family dinner. It good to have both parents in the picture. Mark was still part of us, he always come visit us every now a then.

Christopher and Victoria are happily engaged. Yup that right, after many years Christopher finally decided to propose to Victoria. They were doing perfectly well. Victoria had gotten better and got back her strength due after her brother death. Christopher stayed by her side the whole entire time. He made her strong. Christopher was now king as Victoria was his queen. My dad finally pass down the title to him. Christopher gladly accepted the title.

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