Chapter 24: being a vampire

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Have you ever picture yourself as a vampire? I question. Do you ever wonder how it would feel to be one? Just imagine what you can do by just being a vampire: you can run fast, see from far away, also hear from miles away, use any abilities you have, and you never feel tired. Being a vampire is the best experience, of course I do miss being a human beside being human is overrated. Most people would freak out about beings vampire or any type of supernatural but honestly it not such a big deal out of it. The only thing would be a big deal out of it would be the blood. Yea blood taste like iron but us vampire taste like heaven to us. I must say I'm glad I was born into one even though my body was a bit confused.

Now Aiden said I have to have self-control when it comes to human blood. He asked Xavier if he can use skylar has a test but of course I doubt Xavier would let skylar be an experiment. Though Xavier can't have skylar locked in a room forever cause I'm a new-born. I think I won't have a problem with skylar at all. Aren't royal much stronger then any other vampires. All royal must have self-control.

Christopher suggested that I should control my hunger before I practicing my abilities. Really don't people have faith in me gosh. I may be a new-born but I can have self-control. You know what I may see skylar and test myself If I can control myself.

I got up from the couch, Aiden won't be back from his hunting so I might as well do something by visiting skylar. I walked to the Xavier bedroom, I heard giggles and laughters. I'm glad Xavier is trying to cheer her up. She doesn't know that I'm awake. I open the door to see Xavier fooling around with skylar. He was about to kiss her.

"If your gonna eat each other face might as well not do it when I'm in the room." I said making those two jump off the bed,

"Scarlett" she yelled rushing towards me but Xavier stopped her. I rolled my eyes.

"Xavier I'm fine. I'm not hungry nor will I kill my own bestfriend. I just want to test myself if I'm really to be around human." I said. Xavier looked at me noticing that I'm normal. He nodded, he let go of Skylar. She pulled me into a bone crushing hug. I hugged her back not to tightly, just not light normal hug.

"Scarlett I'm so-" I cut her off. I don't want her to blame herself.

"Skylar it okay. I'm glad you did it, really if you didn't I would still be suffering." I chuckled. She pulled me into a hug letting out a sob. I looked at Xavier who was smirking, I rolled my eyes.

"SCARLETT" Aiden yelled from the living-room making skylar flinch. Skylar of course didn't let me go. Aiden came in with a worried and concern look in his face. He was now worried about skylar and my self-control. I looked at Xavier asking for a little help, he chuckled pulling skylar away from me. I turn to Aiden who was now focus on me.

"What don't have a faith in me?" I question crossing my arms.

"Of course I have faith in you Scarlett but right now you can't be around humans" Aiden stated. Clearly he doesn't have faith in me, yet.

"Of course I can Aiden. I wanted to test myself if I have self-control which I do. Clearly I didn't attack skylar and I'm not planning to attack anyone anytime soon. If I did Xavier would of stopped me. Everything is ok Aiden." I said walking closer to him. He soften his eyes and place a kiss on my forehead.

"I'm sorry Scarlett. I really have faith in you. It just I have to get use to all this, you know. You being a vampire is new to me. Most new-born a don't have self-control but you prove me wrong. You always have." He smiled.

"I know. So what we gonna do about that Brianna. I swear to god I just want to rip her heart out" I growled.

"Nothing we do nothing. But we must have our eyes on her, god knows what she planning on doing next" Aiden said looking serious now.

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