Chapter 17: road trip day one

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Today was the day that the groups of my friends and my boyfriend goes to the road trip to find the witch. It gonna take us at least 2 or 3 days trip. We might have to stop at a Motel or a hotel depends how close we are to them.

We have everything we needed for the trip; gps, two maps, food, drinks, extra clothes wear and gas tanks. We made sure we haven't miss anything we needed. I'm always on top with everything, call me control freak. Skylar doesn't know about the trip but I did leave her a note that I'll be visiting my mom, I know she will find it weird that the rest of us are messing as well knowing her she will be mad.

We are already driving to Canada. The witch name is Diana, she of course doesn't know we are going over there. I'm sure Diana isn't gonna be to trailed seeing us consider she hate my dad and all the originals family. Either who the car ride was tiring. Aiden was the driver for the day. Noah, Christopher, and Logan are driving in separate cars since Aiden car is to small two fit two people. Mia was sad she didn't get to be with Logan but we needed her since she can see the future. I look to see Mia being depress. I sighed.

"Mia you will be with Logan" I said to her gently. She just let out a groan.

"Yea it not like your gonna die from not being near Logan." Xavier joked.

"Xavier this isn't a joking matter. You don't understand how's it feel to have a soulmate" Mia hissed. Mmm speaking of soul-mate. I was meaning to ask Xavier and skylar are soulmate. If they are they would make a good couple.

"Hey Xavier by any chance is my bestfriend skylar your soulmate" I asked turning my body straight at him, Aiden looked at the rear-view mirror. Xavier looked like he wasn't sure if skylar was his soulmate, wait is there a possibility that Xavier can have a second chance soulmate?

"I honestly don't know. I already have a soulmate Brianna." Xavier sighed. He looked broken mentions Brianna name.

"How do you feel when your near skylar or when your near Brianna ? Aiden answered him.

"When I'm near skylar it feel like the world as disappeared and it just me and her. I can hear her heart beating, her blood veins making me want to taste her blood. I want to protect her with my life, make her mine. I want to have a future with her. Now with Brianna it was different like yea I wanted to make her mine and just be with her that all. I never did picture a future with her or anything like that but with skylar I feel does things." Xavier truthfully said. I looked into his eyes it show adore, happiness any guy could ever imagine to find there soulmate.

"You know what I don't get is that if Xavier didn't feel those things to Brianna and he feels those thing to skylar then that means Brianna was never his soulmate. It probably one of her plan to make Xavier think there soulmate" Mia said like everything just clicked to her. Then it started making sense now. Brianna was never Xavier soulmate.

"So your saying Brianna was never my soulmate" Xavier said confused.

"No. It all make sense now. Think about it, Brianna wanted the throne to be queen. She never cared about Xavier or Aiden all she wanted was to be queen. She knew Aiden would be king. So Brianna probably made a spell to make Xavier think she his soulmate. She wanted Xavier out of the picture by making both of you hate each other. Brianna made sure that Aiden didn't know Xavier and her were soulmates. When Aiden became king she made the right opportunity to be with Aiden. By any chance did she tell you something?" I asked him.

"Yea she said she never wanted me. That everything was a game to her" Xavier trailed off. Everything clicked to him.

"And then she made me think Aiden stoled her from me. All this time I thought Aiden stoled her from me but it was all a plan. She wanted me to hate Aiden and make some revenge on him. When I see her I'm going to kill her" Xavier snarled.

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