Chapter 31: Bringing back Aiden

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I fluttered my eyes open to find out it was morning, the birds were chirping right through the window. I groan, dam early already. I snapped my eyes open to find out it already early! It time to make our plan in action. I got up from the bed to wake up everyone else. Mia was knock out on the floor cuddled up in her pillow while skylar was sound asleep next to me.

I shook skylar hard to wake her up knowing she isn't easy to wake up, she was never easy to wake up, she groans as she fluttered her eyes to see me. She found out it early and remember the plan for today. She quickly got up from the bed as she got ready. I'm surprise she had waken up without complaining. Now to wake up Mia up. I grabbed my pillow and throw it at her as she jumped in thin air. I burst into a fit of laughter as she looked alarm. Oops.

"It morning!" I chirped.

"So it seems!" Mia grumbles. I rolled my eyes. I got up from my bed and quickly got dress and ready to head downstair.

"So you think this plan will work?" Skylar said all dress up already. Will it work? I doubt it but it worth a shot.

"It will." I simply said as I fixed up my hair in a ponytail.

I walked out of the bathroom, as I walked to my bag of clothes I had packed. I picked something comfortable to wear. I went for a black leggings and a tank top. I put on my comfy boots. I looked at the mirror. I was set to go. I rubbed my belly, gently cooing my baby that everything will be ok. I will bring Aiden. I will bring your father back.

"Alright you two ready?" Mia said walking back to my room all pumped.

"More than ready!" We both said. Mia nodded. We headed out the room to find the guys all pumped up to bring Aiden back and take Brianna out of the picture.

As we all headed downstair we heard giggling and laughter coming from Aiden and Brianna. I felt the sudden chills coming from my body. This isn't Aiden, well all knew it. When we walked downstair to the living room. I saw Brianna cuddle up next to Aiden. This just makes me sick, to sick. I came to the view as none of them notice my presences.

"Well this just makes me wanna barf blood." I sneered making Brianna pulled away to look at me, Aiden looked at me with anger for interrupting them. I didn't care.

"Still here I see. I thought you had left." Brianna smirked as trace her finger on Aiden chest.

"Like a coward of me? Please, I have figure out your little plan on making Aiden yours. You haven't won Brianna and you will never win." I stated. Brianna looked at me and faked gasp.

"Why would I do such things." Brianna said putting her hands in her heart. She was such a great actor, I give her props.

"Of course you did. Your friend Valentina told me everything." I said as soon as I said that all her act vanish as she glare at Valentina for betraying her and her plan.

"So she did, I'm not surprise. Why would you betrayed me like that Valentina, I thought we were great of friends?" Brianna said looking at Valentina who had pure hatred in her eyes.

"Friends? Friends don't keep family hostages." Valentina hissed. Oh she was beyond angry.

"So offended I see. So what do you want? You want to fight me." Brianna chuckled humorously. I growled as it was my cue to attack her. I lunged at her as I grabbed her by e hair and throw her again the wall. Aiden growled but he was hold back by Xavier and Christopher. Logan and Mia got a hold of Brianna who was struggling to get out.

"Aiden we are trying to help you!" Xavier shouted.

"I don't need help." Aiden growled as he force himself out of Christopher and Xavier arms. I back away from him slowly. It my chance now. I need to get him back.

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