Chapter 21: London

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I fluttered my eyes open to see an empty bed, I lean up to check the time it was 12 in the afternoon. Wow I slept this long, this is a first especially with no dreams of victor. I felt great for the first time. I got out of bed and put on some fresh clothes.

When I was about to get clean clothes I saw my drawer empty and my suitcase were gone. The only thing I saw was just a pair of comfortable cloths. I grabbed them and put it on before I met up with the guys.

I walked out to see my friends stacking up the suitcase in a pile. They haven't yet notice my appearance.

"Uh guys where are we going ?" I spoke up. None of them didn't bother looking at me. Until Aiden spoke up.

"We are going to London. Whatever you have left in the room pack it up, well leaving in an hour" Aiden said in a cold tone. Did I do something to make him this mad.

"Ok" I whisper. I turn around to walk into the room we have been sleeping for the past weeks.

Did aiden had a change of heart. Did he go back to his old ways again. I sight pushing my thoughts away. I grabbed the stuff I had left in the bathroom and packed with the rest of my suitcase. I didn't bother looking at Aiden. If he want to treat me this way so be it.

Everything was perfectly find until now. I just want to know why is he acting like this. You know what, imma talk to him right now. I saw Aiden walking back to the room and I followed him. I shut the door and locked it, Aiden stopped on what he was doing but didn't bother turning around.

"Look at me Aiden and tell me what wrong?" I said with worried in my eyes. Aid me turn around making me gasp. His eyes were bright red with anger and his fangs coming out. This isn't a good sign to talk to him but at this point I don't care.

"Nothing is wrong Scarlett just leave it" Aiden snapped. I narrowed my eyes at him. How can he tell me to leave it when there something going on.

"Really? Then why are we packing and leaving in an hour. What the rush or most importantly what are you hiding from me" I growled. I was beyond angry right now. He has no right to lie or snap at me.

"I'm not hiding anything. Maybe I'm just suffocating on being stuck here in this stupid hotel. You know if this is my life is gonna be like maybe I shouldn't never had gotten close to you and things like this wouldn't happen to me. For cries sake my soulmate has to be human" he growled. That really hurts.

"You think I ever wanted this lifestyle? I never wanted this and you know that. I thought things were going good between us but I guess not. I didn't really know you felt like that. Don't worry once this is all over, I'll be out of your life for good or maybe I'll just turn myself to victor and end my life. I bet you be real happy right? Yea." I snapped back. Aiden eyes soften showing some regret in his eyes.

"Scarlett.....I" I cut him off.

"Save it for someone who cares" I snapped storming out of the room leaving a regretful Aiden. I walked out of the hotel to see my friends packing the suitcase in there car. I decided to ride with Xavier, skylar, and Logan. They didn't bother saying a word to me.

I saw Aiden coming out of the hotel angry with himself. Mia looked at him with a question look but Aiden of course ignore her and pack the rest of the stuff to his car. Once everything was pack and set to go we drove off to the airport.

"So what happen between you and Aiden" Skylar spoke up.

"I don't know one minute he all happy then he all cold. He hiding something from me. I feel hurt by it" I said feeling chest pain building up but I ignore it.

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