Chapter 7: jealous now are we

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I couldn't help but laugh how Aiden just ran out of the classroom. So the jerk face is actually jealous who would of thought he would. I just don't get him at all one minute he concern and now jealous and the next he goes bipolar. He needs to set his mood in control. Xavier was enjoying seeing his brother act like that.

Their one thing I don't understand is that why Aiden steal Xavier girl knowing the fact that he like her. Maybe their more to the story, Imm'a find out.

The class was finally over. We headed to the coffee shop. Mia told us she had to take care of something. I can tell Xavier is planning on making Xavier even madder. I just don't get why Aiden is acting so cold to me and he clearly likes me, well that what I'm thinking.

"Well the first plan was pretty much easy" Xavier spoke up breaking my inner thoughts.

"I never thought the bipolar jerk face would get jealous" I chuckled. Grabbing a seat next to the window.

"Jerk face" Xavier said with a amusement in his eyes.

"Yea that what I name him. Unless you prefer another name for him then do so" I said with a smirk.

"Jerk face is fine. What would you like a drink madam"Xavier said bowing down like I'm a some queen from London.

"Just a latte, small please" I said with a smile. He nodded. I looked out the window while Xavier is ordering our coffee. I saw someone outside across the street with a black hood on. He was looking at me with a smirk on his face. Where have I seen him before.

"Here you go Scarlett" Xavier said handing my latte. Breaking my gaze.

"Thank you" I said thanking him. I looked back out the window and saw the the man wasn't no longer there.

"What are you looking at" Xavier asked curious looking at the window.

"Um I thought I saw someone looking at me across the street. I'm probably imaginary things" I chuckled.

"Oh well who ever is out to get you. Don't hesitate on telling me. I can totally kick ass" Xavier said Doing some boxing move.

"Your so full of yourself, so what the next plan" I said putting my hand so my chin to hold my support.

"Well how about we go on a date tomorrow night ehh? Once Aiden know about this date he gonna flip out big time" Xavier said. Mmmm I'm liking this plan.

"I don't think he will flip" I said. I'm doubting Aiden will flip out that me and Xavier going on a date.

"Well that my friend he will. Today he was jealous that I was next to you and he gonna be flipping out when he know about the date"Xavier said with a smirk.

"Well I'll see it when I believe it" I said getting up from the chair. I dumped my drink in the trash and headed outside. Xavier was right behind me.

We headed back to campus. I had another class I had to go to. Xavier said he will see me after class. He had to talk to Mia or something like that. I was walking to class when someone pulled me into a empty classroom. It wasn't a someone it was Aiden looked let say angry. Really angry that you can actually see steam coming out of his ears. Someone call the rescue.

"What do you think your doing ?" I snapped at him. He moved foreword and I move a few step back.

"What do you think I'm doing ? What do you think your doing with my brother" Aiden growled. His eyes were red. Red? But then his eyes went back to his usual color like he was trying to calm down.

"Do I sense some jealousy coming from you" I smirked crossing my arms.

"I. Don't. Get. Jealous over a pathetic human like you!" Aiden said with a growl.

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