Chapter 10 surprise visit

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It been a whole week I haven't talk to 'them'. Mia have been trying to talk to me but I just ignore her and walk away. I know they still keeping an eye over me which I don't understand why. I can take care of myself. Skylar been questioning me about the date or why I have stop talking to Mia. I just change the subject. I stay far away from 'them'.

I was currently seating watching a movie when Mia and Xavier came in the dorm laughing about something. They notice I was in the room and just walked away without saying a single word. I felt hurt that they just ignore me but I asked it. I did tell them to leave me alone or talk to me, maybe I should just let them explain. My mind was all over the place right now. I decided to take a long walk in the campus to get my mind out of things.

I headed out the dorm and started walking until I saw a familiar face walking towards me with a smirk on his face. Oh my god it Logan, what is he doing here in campus? Boy has he gotten build since I left. He had his dark brown hair with blue and a mix of brown in his eyes. I could see his six pack through his tight black shirt with his tan skin that made him hotter then before. Hold up I'm I checking out my bestfriend who supposably in love with my bestfriend skylar.

"Are you gonna just stand there and gawk me the whole day or what?" Logan said with amusement in his voice. I squealed, running toward him to give him the biggest hug ever.

"What are you doing here?! Aren't you suppose to be working"I said looking surprise still.

"Well I wanted to visit my two amazing friends and probably transfer myself here. Still debating it" he chuckled. My eyes were already popping out of there socket. I was beyond speechless right now.

"Oh my god ! Well stop debating it and transfer" I said hitting him in his arm playfully.

"But my job I just can't leave it"Logan said I narrowed my eyes.

"You know you never told us about your job of yours. So what your job?" I said curiously. He never bother and this time Imm'a he gonna tell me like it or not.

"Um that well you will never know. Believe me it best if you don't so just let it go" Logan said flatly. I felt more hurt cause he wouldn't tell me what next?

"Please tell me your not a drug dealer" I said worriedly. He better not be doing any drug or selling them. He chuckle.

"No. I just can't tell you." He said with a irritated sign,

"I'm so tired of people hiding things from me. My parents are hiding something from me and now my friends who I thought they were my friends aren't the person you think they are." I snapped. I was so frustrated with all this bullcr*p.

"Look I will tell you eventually but right now you not ready to know. Only thing Imm'a tell you is that my job isn't just a job it something more. I hope you believe in supernatural" he said with a serious look in his face. Supernatural? Great my bestfriend is telling me that he some supernatural thing. What more can I take. Yea maybe he right, I'm not ready to fine out now. Like come on I just found out that my so call friends is a vampire. Yea I need a little more time to take this whole thing in.

"Alright Imm'a let this go for now. So did you get to see skylar yet?" I asked. He chuckled.

"Nah I wanted to surprise her. She hasn't answer my text and call. She still mad at me for not saying goodbye. I swear this girl is gonna be death to me" Logan groaned. I giggled.

"Well how about we head back to the dorm. She should be there" I told him. Grabbing him by the arm.

We started walking back to the dorm hoping Mia and Xavier wouldn't be there. The dorm door was open, I'm guessing skylar came back. She always leaving the door open. We walked in to see skylar dancing, I looked at Logan and he looked back with amusement in our eyes. Logan was trying to hold into a laughter but failed of course. Skylar notice she wasn't alone in the room. She glared at us but more to Logan.

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