Chapter 33: Teasing Game part one

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I fluttered my eyes open to hear the shower running. I looked up to find its ten in the morning. I groan, who would be up this early. Oh yea Aiden. The bathroom door open to find him bare naked, and I mean bared neck up to down. I could see he was smirking, as he succeeded with his first plan. I try to look away but with his gorgeous view I couldn't take my glance away for him. Aiden, slowly started getting dress. He was dressing up professional today.

"Liking the view Scarlett." Aiden smirked breaking my thoughts. I blush knowing he had caught me checking him out.

"Please I know exactly what your doing, and I'm not going to fall for it. So what the occasion?" I said looking at him as he tied up his tie.

"Just some meeting I have today." He simply said as he place a kiss on my forehead. " behave" he added as he walked out. I rolled my eyes.

I got up from the bed as I rush to the bathroom. If Aiden is gonna play like this so be it. I saw one of his blouse hanging in the hanger. I smirked, I quickly removed my top and shorts. I picked up his blouse and put it on. The shirt was long, it reaches to my upper thighs. I smirked, I walked out of the bathroom. When I walked out, I could feel something or someone watching me. The intension of this room, was strong. Someone has been here. But whom. I shook it off and walked out of the room. Maybe I'm just imagining things.

I heard voices coming from the kitchens. So that's where Aiden should be right now. I walked silently downstair, straight to the kitchen. As I walked in, Aiden and Xavier stopped talking as they notice my presences. I silently smirked, I can feel Aiden stiffed as he saw I was only in his shirt.

"Scarlett what are you wearing?" Aiden said holding a growl. He looked mad and intense.

"Well, some of my clothes are dirty so I decide to wear your blouse. Must say I look good in your shirt." I said grabbing a blood bag.

"And you couldn't wear pants under it." Aiden hissed. Oh it working, definitely working.

"Well all my pants are dirty as well. Why does it bother you?" I said biting my lips. I was acting nervous around Aiden.

"No, not at all." He was hesitating. I knew it bother him, he was just holding back. Xavier snickered as he got a glare from Aiden.

"Well aren't you gonna be late for your meeting Aiden?" I said with a genuinely smiled. He nodded, as he walked to the halls where it lead to his office.

"So, what is this about? The room is fell with sexual intension going on?" Xavier said taking his last sip of his blood.

"What sexual intension?" Skylar came in with a smile on her face. She was bright like he sun. I gasped, her and Xavier? They did it.

"Oh my gosh! You totally did it!" I exclaimed as she turn all red. Xavier smirked putting his head down.

"Is it that noticeable?" She mumbled feeling embarrassed.

"Well consider the hickeys, and how your glowing. Yea it pretty noticeable." I smirked. She narrowed her eyes playfully at Xavier. Xavier shrugged as he walked away to the office Aiden had went too.

"So what was Xavier talking about sexual intension?" Skylar said looking at me with a smile.

"Well me and Aiden are having a teasing war going on right now. He thinks I'm going to beg and that I will lose." I said rolling my eyes. She chuckled as she shook her head.

"Well, Aiden is having a meeting with the council right now. Maybe you should interrupt the meeting. And it such a beautiful day today. We should head to the beach." Skylar said giving me some hints.

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