Chapter 3: The new hot students

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~rise and shine today is gonna be a beautiful sunny day~

I snapped my eyes open and turn of my annoying clock. It was ten o'l clock in the morning, first day of college fantastic. I got up from the bed letting out a groan. I wish I didn't have to move out of bed but sadly I do. I had this huge headache from yesterday. Who was that strange guy and why he told me he was gonna make me forget? I thought. I wonder if he goes to our school. He's weird but yet hot.

Me and sky came home around twelve o'l clock. Sky notice how terrified I looked but didn't question about it which I'm grateful but she will probably ask me today about yesterday. I really don't want to talk about it. I'm one of those people that keep thing hidden. Sky will probably force it out knowing her.

I saw my phone laying on the floor. It must have dropped out of my purse. Crap I forgot tot call my mom. Way to go scar you promise you will call them morning and night. I guess everything that happen last night made me forget. I picked my phone up and saw 50 missed call. Dam I'm in big shit. I call my mom hoping she won't blow up but I was wrong.

"SCARLETT VIOLET MORGAN! Didn't I tell you to call me every morning and night. Do you know how worried we were mmmmm" mom yelled through the phone double crap she furious and she use my full name.

"Mom I'm sorry I forgot. Me and sky went clubbing last night and things got out of hand" I told her trying to calm her down which made it lot worse.

"What thing got out of hand?" Mom yelled again making me pull my phone away. Well there goes my left hear drums.

"I was a little tipsy, so was sky that we didn't check the time" I lied.

"I knew I shouldn't let you go to New York" mom sighed.

"Mom I'm fine what could Happen" I told her.

"A lot of things that you don't know about" mom snapped.

"And what that huh? I know you and dad are keeping something from me" I snapped back.

"Your not really yet to know" she said flatly.

I sighed "find whatever I gotta go bye mom love you" I said hanging up.

What can she be keeping from me that she doesn't want me to know. And I'm not ready yet? I'm not a child anymore. God sometime my mom can go worried but I'm not a child. I can take car of myself. Moving on.

I quickly got dress. I decided to wear a short baby blue top and dark high waisted shorts with my combat boots. My hair still had curls on and a little of eyeliner from last night. Just a little add of eyeliner and I'm done.

It was 10:30 now and class starts around 12. It still to early for class. I wonder if there a coffee shop around the campus. I left the room and face a girl around my age drinking water. I didn't know we were having another roommate. She had brown hair, brown eyes and white pale skin. She was probably around my height. I wonder if sky met her yet. She looked at me and gave me a smile.

"Yea you must be my roommate, I'm Mia and you are" she chirped. She looked at me up and down. "Oh my god you look pretty, I love your eyes. Are they natural" she kept babbling

"Ops I'm babbling aren't I" Mia said biting her thumbs.

"It ok. I'm Scarlett but you can call me scar for short. We also have another roommate who currently sleeping. Her name is skylar" I told her with a smile. "She should be waking any moment. Warning don't ever wake her up in her peaceful sleep she will give you hell" I told her. She Giggled.

"Damn right" sky spoke up coming out of the room dressed up. She was wearing leggings, cross shirt and a boots.

"Hi I'm Mia and you must be skylar right" Mia chirped.

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