Chapter 29: Vic, and Victoria.

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It's been a peaceful morning, well so far. I have been up all night getting weird cravings meaning 'blood'. I don't understand why the sudden blood craving. I have been drinking five ounce of blood every two minutes. Aiden doesn't know, no one knows. Aiden has been even more stress to add another problem on his list. For now, I'm going to deal with my own problem. Meaning I need I find out the weird cravings I have been getting. Once I find the answers I will tell Aiden the problem I been having. Speaking of Aiden.

I turn my head to find a sleeping Aiden next to me. His arms were covering his eyes. He lightly snoring. My eyes were roaming his body. He was half naked, showing all his glory. The sheets were below his v-cut. I licked my dry lips, god I couldn't be more happier to wake up to this glory in front of me. I lean up to look at the time to find out it was pass noon. Crap we slept this long. Victoria and Vic suppose to arrive in a hour or so. I need to wake up Aiden.

"Aiden wake up." I said shaking him lightly. He groan as he shifted a little. I rolled my eyes. For a vampire his sure is a dead sleeper. Alright babe, if you want to play it like this so be it.

I remove the covers off me, silently shifted closer to Aiden. I slowly got on top of Aiden. He let another sleepy groan, as he remove his arms around his eyes but his eyes were still close. I bite my lips, nervously. Wait why should I feel nervous? It not like me and him haven't done it. I turn red, when images pop in my head. I shook it off and continue with my planning. I lean down to his earsand whisper

"Aiden" I started off kissing his earlobe. He groan sexily.

My hands roam down to his biceps. I remove myself from Aiden ear as I kissed his cheekbones sweetly and generally. He didn't once shifted or made a sudden sound. I glare at him knowing he can't see me. I move closer to his pink lips. I gently kissed them slowly hoping he will return the kiss, yet nothing. I groan with frustration. I lean back as I look at him hard. My hands roam his chest, to his abs. I smirked secretly. I started moving my hips slowly to his 'friend' as it slowly started getting hard.

Aiden eyes pop open to stare at me. His blue eyes darkened, as he was feeling lust. Well that woke him up. Aiden growled, flipping me over as I lay back to my bed while he was hovering his glory body with mine. I bite my lips, as I stare at my sexy glory in front of me. Aiden smash his lips on mine, letting a silent moan. His hands rested on my hips as his tightly them. My hands were working on his abs as he groans sexily. He didn't hesitate as he slipped his tongue inside, I let out another moan. Our tongue dance with each other. The kiss was hunger and powerful. He deepen the kiss causing both of groan, the taste of his kisses made me want more of him. My arms tighten to his biceps as he pulled away leaving both of us panting. He kissed my jaws to my neck giving him a good view at it. He gently kiss, licked and gladly took a bite. I moaned. He drank for me. My body heat was building up. Wanting more. The desire of our body want us to take each other here and now, but right now we have more matter of things we had to worry about.

Brianna and victor.

"Aiden." I moaned. He pulled away licked the rest of the blood off his lips. "How much I enjoy spending our time in bed but we have Vic and Victoria coming over" I said. Aiden groan pulling away from me.

"You know how to kill the mood" he groan, I giggled. It not like I have a choice.

"Once this whole thing is over. We get to spend our whole life in peace away from all this." I said as Aiden turn his head and smirked as he liked that plan.

"Believe me babe, that the one thing I'll be doing leaving this place and start a life together." Aiden said placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Now come on, we need to get ready." I said quickly getting up from the bed followed by a mumbling Aiden, I chuckled.

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