Chapter 2: new beginning part 2

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I heard a lightly knock on my door. I ignore it and went back to sleep. Few minute late the door open making a little crack, I let out an annoying growl and turn to face whoever is standing at the door. Don't they know I hate being bothered. Of course not, it was one of my house maid looking deeply afraid.

"Um king it time for you to get up. Your gonna miss your flight" she whispered.

"Thanks human now scram." I ordered. She nodded and left me in peace. It was 9:00am in the morning. I let out a groan before getting out of bed. I could be sleeping all day if it wasn't for this stupid college sh*t.

Yea my parents is forcing me to go to college to do something for my life and also to find a soulmate. First of off I don't need to go to college, I just don't see the point of it and secondly I don't want to look for a soulmate and not planning to. Why bother having a soulmate when there gonna end up using you for your throne and power. Don't they get it my soul is full of darkness along with my heart. I'm not letting my guard down for any stupid soulmate. I whether be alone and it gonna stay like that.

You all don't need to know about me all you should know that I'm aiden. I'm a vampire king and a broken soul. If your wondering how I became like this then your just wasting your breath. That all you need to know about me.

Yea I'm king which I never wanted to be king in the first place. Xavier my brother wanted to be king but my parents picked me. Speaking of my brother I haven't heard from him since I became king, he just disappear without a single word or a letter . My parents didn't actually care he left well let just say they never care about Xavier it like he was a mistake.

I hit the shower before leaving.

Once I was done I put on my Black shirt with black jeans. I called my maid to grab my suitcases. I headed downstair and saw my parents eating along with my bestfriend Noah and my cousin Mia. Yea vampires like me can eat human food.

"Good morning son!" My mom chirped. I went up to her and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey mom, hey father" I greeted. I seat down and join the other.

"So I had a vision of your soulmate" Mia said with smile. Yea Mia can either predict the future and have vision.

"Oh do tell" mom said with excitement in her voice.

"Well she pretty, she around my age of course. She starting college in Clarkson college where we going. She came along with a friend. But something seems off about her like she something else other than being a human" Mia said looking at me and then my parents.

"What do you mean not human" father said sternly.

"I don't know uncle but it oddly weird." Mia said concern.

"Mia maybe your vision is all wrong. Beside I don't even want a soulmate for crying out loud" I stated playing with my food.

"Son you need someone next to your throne." Father said making a stern face.

"Whatever. We need to get going" I said getting up. I said my goodbye to my mother and father. We headed outside where the jet is parked. We didn't have to go in an airplane when the jet is much faster to get to New York. It gonna take us at least two house to arrive to New York plus we have a limo ready for us. We took our seat and buckled up before leaving. I might as well take a 2 hour nap.

________________________ 2 hour later___________________

I heard the ignition turn off. Snapped my eyes open and saw that we already landed. The limo was parked right in front of the jet. I sighed time for hell. Mia and Noah were already out of the plane. I unbuckled myself and headed out. The sun was hitting me right in the eyes. I put on my shade and try to ignore the sun from hitting me. Yea the sun makes me weak but it won't kill me.

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