Chapter 34: Teasing game part two

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I narrowed my eyes at Aiden who was busy flirting with the females. We all decided to go to the mall to relieve the stress we all been having. The random killing had kept on going. The strange killing always starts at night. So Aiden and the others will hunt down whoever are killing harmless humans. The average of killings was insane, as I hear it in the news and from the council. No can suspect who would be the one that killing harmless human. I already figure out who has been doing all this. It has been victor plan. This was a warning that he coming with his army. I can feel it his close, close by. He just waiting for the right moment to strike. I fear for many life's for the others. I fear for Aiden, and our baby. He gonna come for me.

"I can believe Aiden would go this far to flirt with someone." Mia groan as she interrupted my thoughts.

"You tell me. Can you not see how far he willing for me to lose and beg. I'm sorry but he gonna be the one begging for me." I said looking at Aiden as he make the girls giggle. I rolled my eyes and gag.

"My queen." Marcus said appearing with 15 roses in his hands. I blushed. Well he sure know how to go wild.

"Why thank you, Marcus." I said with a genuinely smile. I took a small glance at aidje who was glaring at Marcus.

"You know my queen, if you weren't with Aiden, I would show you how much of a better person I am." Marcus smirked showing his million dollar smirk. Well he sure knows how to charm a woman.

"I wish that-"

"Don't finish that sentence Scarlett. What are you doing with, with him?" Aiden said furiously. His eyes were bright as red. Boy, was he angry, but yet so hot.

"What do you mean?" I said innocently. He narrow his eye at me and Marcus.

"You know exactly what I mean. How can you be flirting with him when you have me?!"

"Your just a hypocrite Aiden."

"I'm not!"

"So you feel offended? You shouldn't be talking Aiden, when you clearly were doing the exact thing with those girls."

"I was just making you jealous."

"And this will help by making me wanna beg for you? Please." I scowled, who does he think he is.

"Oh like your not doing the same exact thing with Marcus. I know what games your playing."

"You don't know what games I'm playing Aiden. You want me, don't tell me you haven't been craving for my body? Cause I know you have. I can see how much your hesitating , how much your holding back. Just three letter and you will have me." I said smirking as I cross my arms.

"Hesitating? Sweetie, I know, I have needs but I'm well control of my needs. I can go for days without craving for your body. You don't know what I'm going through cause I'm feeling ok." Aiden retorted. Oh he full of lies.

I was about to speak when a scream came behind us. We all turn to see a lady running 'Bloodily murder' she had blood in her hands and her blouse. She was crying, but she wasn't hurt. If she wasn't hurt, then who had hurt her? I thought.

"What's going on?" Valentina said looking at all of us. We all shrugged.

"I don't know."

"We should check it out" Vic said as he appeared with his sister Victoria. He lady stop as she examined all of us as he eyes landed on me. Her eyes shown hurt and anger.

"You, you did this." The lady exclaimed as she blames me for something, I yet haven't done. Aiden walked in front of me.

"Ma'am I haven't done anything."

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