Chapter 18 I'm a full vampire

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I currently seating in the car hearing Mia and Xavier complain the whole car ride, it was non-stop argument about Mia complaining not being with her mate or Xavier not able to talk to skylar. Any who it been two days straight that we have been traveling, we have stopped by gas, supermarket or stop by an hotel to sleep. Today was the day we get to met the famous witch that turn my dad and the rest of the family to an original. I was quite feeling nervous about the whole thing. What happen if she doesn't help us? I thought. Why does witches have to be so complicated. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone buzz it was skylar and a very angry skylar.

I thought we were bestfriend Scarlett, I thought we tell each other everything and we made a promise not to keep any secret or lie to each other. Why did you lie about being with you mom during the break huh? What is the secret you have been hiding from me? Yea I knew you lied to me cause I called your mom saying if you were there but you know what she said? She said 'no she isn't here. And Scarlett never told me she would be visiting me'. Not just that I notice your friends aren't even in campus. So whatever it is that your hiding I need to know. Whatever I already know where you are and I'm going to meet you there as soon as the tracking deice stops- a very mad skylar texted me. I let out a groan. Great how am I gonna explain to her about vampires and other supernaturals. Aiden notice my frustrated face.

"Is everything ok" he asked looking at me whole focusing on the road.

"Skylar found out that I lied to her and now she on her way over here. She want to know what I been keeping from her" I sighed.

"Then tell her. She your bestfriend and you trust her then I trust her with our secret" Aiden said with honest in his voice.

"Thank you Aiden" I smiled. I can't wait to tell skylar the secret. I wonder how she gonna react when she hear about supernatural being real. I have a feeling she isn't gonna be handling it very well but it worth to try right?.

"Yay my soulmate is coming" Xavier screamed making me cover my ears.

"Well good for you. Now shut up about complaining not having your mate here. You wish came true" Mia said looking out the window while Xavier scowled at her.

"We have finally arrived" Aiden announced.

I looked up to see a very neat, beautiful house for a witch to live in. I thought most witches live in a creepy old house, I'm guessing she not most witches as I thought she would be. I was starting to feel anxious. I screamed when my brother knock through the window, I glare at him. I let out a sigh; I open the car door to join with the crew.

"So who gonna knock" Xavier spoke up. We turn to look at my brother who was looking at his shoes like it was the most important thing right now. We all cross our arms with a smirk while looking at Christopher who finally looked to met our eyes. His eyes turn wide and took a sigh.

"Fine you big babies I'll knock." He growled. He walked to the door and knocked making it open. We looked at each other before walking in. Christopher went in first until we followed him. We stopped at the living room I assume. The house was well filled with some voodoo. I was about to speak until the witch herself show up with not a very pleasant look in her eyes.

"Why is the son of Anthony doing in my house along with his daughter" she said icily. You she hate us alright.

"Look Felicity I understand my family piss you off but don't take your anger out on Scarlett when clearly she didn't have any clue about us. Nor don't take your angers out on me when I'm just an innocent kid. Look we didn't came where to piss you off or cause any trouble from you guys. Scarlett want to know if she like me and my dad." Christopher explained looking straight into her eyes. She let out a sigh and nodded. She lead us to the couch.

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