Chapter 22: The lies

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Hello my lovely fans, I'm sorry to keep you all waiting. I have been currently busy with the other books and slacking on writing on this book but here I am. I'll try my best to make this chapter long for you all, it way to make it up to you all. Please, please if you all see any mistakes I have made or something that doesn't make any sense please leave a message and I'll be gladly to fix the mistake I made. Last but not least comment and vote!

Well here chapter 22!

I'll be starting off with Xavier Pov and skylar Pov

Let see what happen.



I was facing both of my parents with a smirk in my face. There face was well priceless right now and quite funny actually. They weren't expecting me to show up anytime soon considering since Aiden became king. I know things will probably end up not to well from me and Aiden. My parents looked the same as always, never changed since I left. I may have gotten revenge on Aiden but I will take revenge on them. I'm going to show them that Aiden isn't a perfect child as they think there are and Aiden will help me if he want me to be king.

Skylar stood next to me wrapping her arms around mind. Skylar doesn't know what I have been trough but I know she will stand by me every minute of the way. Noah and everyone else that came in didn't bother saying a word knowing the fact that things won't end to well.

"Xavier what bring you here" father said sternly but yet surprise. Yea he isn't happy to see me.

"Well I came here to see the beautiful parents of mine. Beside I want to all to meet my beautiful soulmate skylar" I smiled. My mom looked at her like she was some trash. The nerve of this woman. Yea she found Scarlett pretty just cause she Aiden soulmate. Scarlett notice the way Aiden mom was looking at skylar. I let out a furious growl when my mother spoke in a tone to skylar.

"Why did you bring that trash in this kingdom. I bet she not even your soulmate to begin with" mom said with a tone. Skylar looked belong angry the way my mother spoke to her.

"No do respect your majesty but I'm not liking your tone with me. I'm not some trash, I'm Xavier soulmate. I may have not know the history between Xavier and you both but sure has hell was easy to figure it out. You both never once treated Xavier as a child, you treated him like some trash. So the one that being trash is both of you. I'm glad Xavier left this hell hole." Skylar said icily. Aiden and Scarlett smirked. Man my skylar is hot when she all angry. Me like.

"That absorb. I will never treat Xavier like trash. He my son and I will never let someone like you disrespect me. Where are your manners child." Mom stated her defensive. I scoffed.

"Trying to save yourself when half of my friends knows the whole truth and will go against both of you" I smirked.

My parents aren't a big fan of family drama, that there problem not me. They wanted to disrespect skylar like that so there gonna be disrespected by me and everyone else. My brother wasn't please at them so isn't Scarlett. I know she dislike me for disowning me can't blame her when I dislike them myself.

"Why don't we take this in the office and talk adult like we should be." Aiden spoke generally. They nodded. I turn to face skylar.

"Why don't you go hang out with Scarlett and the rest while I talk to my parents ok. When I'm done I want to show you my favorite place in the kingdom." I said with a nod.

"Ok" she smiled. She sway her hips all the way to Scarlett and everyone else. I narrow my eyes at her, dam she gonna be death to me. I knew she was smirking. Don't worry I'll be getting you back my beloved, I thought.

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