Chapter 23: the awakening

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Chapter 23


I looked up at my friends especially at skylar who was behind Xavier with fear in her eyes. Good she should be scare at me right now. No one asked her to stab my soulmate, I mean how can she stab my soulmate without a say in this. Yea I know I didn't want that nor did I want to kill her. She was suffering from the lack of air. I know I was being selfish keeping her but I just don't want her to become a vampire even though she will become like one. I just didn't want to let her go that fast

For god sake I didn't even take her to our first date, have some relaxing afternoon in the bench, or even show her around London. It gonna take at least three months for her to stop the craving for human blood, well that depends. I wanted to have at least a little time with her before she become a vampire but now all those things I wanted to do with her will be impossible for me to do. My thought were interrupted by skylar. I looked at her giving her a growl.

"I'm sorry Aiden but she asked me too" she stuttered. I was now angry, more angry than ever. How can she just say sorry.

"SORRY ISNT GONNA BRING HER BACK" I roared. Everyone flinched.

"Don't you dare blame skylar for this! None of this is her fault. Scarlett did told her to stab her, I even read it in her eyes. We told you to do something but you wouldn't listen, you just let Scarlett suffer cause of your own selfishness. So the only person should be the blame of this is you. No one in this room is the blame but you" Xavier snapped. I knew he was right about everything, I am the blame for everything. I was the one that made her suffer.

"Son we need to take her to your room. Right now she needs you" My father stated I weakly nodded. She needed me, right now she all that matters. I picked her up in bridal style, her body was pale and cold. There was no heartbeat just yet,

I walked up to my room, I quickly laid her gently in bed. I took out the knife slowly out of her chest. The wound was healing, right there I knew the transformation was was working. She needed clean clothes. I walked to the edge of the bed to find mine and Scarlett suitcase. I found a comfortable clothe for her to be in. Now should I change her or make Mia change her. I sigh Ill just Change her, she my responsibility now. I remove the shirt that was cover in blood and her jeans. I couldn't help but admire her perfect body, come on Aiden it no time to check her body now. I put on the clean shirt and pants.

"So you change my sister cloths."Christopher came in not sounding to happy. I covered her with the bed sheets

"It my responsibility to do my job. I wanna make this right for her. Look you can kill me, whatever but it not gonna stop me for being near her" I stated. I heard him sigh.

"Look man I know you want to try hard enough to make things right for her and your doing that but don't think this whole thing is your fault. You were to focus on Scarlett to notice her suffering. Soulmate are attend to do that. They forget about everything in there surrounding to focus there soulmate. Don't be hard on yourself, Scarlett wouldn't like that. Especially blame yourself for it. You may think your the blame but your not and Xavier was just angry cause you snapped at his soulmate" Christopher said.

"Thanks man." I said. "Do you think the transformation will work?" I question

"Aiden you have nothing to worry about, the transformation will work. Scarlett is a strong girl she will do everything in her power to make it through this transformation." Christopher answered. I nodded, I grabbed my chair and seat next to her putting my hands on her cold hands.

"I'll leave you alone with her but remember you have to feed. Don't want you to do all vampy on us" Christopher chuckled. I shook my head, he left me alone with Scarlett.

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