Chapter 8 date gone wrong

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I was in the library searching in the internet about supernatural. There were a lot of supernatural creature like werewolves,witches,demon, fairies, and vampire. I saw a list of choice I wanted to pick. I clicked vampires. It read, vampire are cold, they can be dead or undead. Vampire eyes are red when there either angry or thirsty. Vampire don't age once they are turn and they have abilities.

I went back and picture Aiden. He had red eyes when he was angry at me, he had cold skin, he stronger than humans and he tried using some abilities to erase my memories. Then it all clicked Aiden is a vampire. How is this possible?,I thought. Supernatural is a myth right?.....maybe I'm just going into conclusions but doesn't mean that I'm just gonna let this go. I'm going to observe every move they make including Mia, Noah and Xavier. I decided to head back to the dorm and got myself ready for my date tonight. I came in to see skylar pacing back and forth. She was mumbling to herself about something.

"Um skylar are you okay?" I said with amuse in my voice. She stopped pacing back and forth and looked at me with afraid look in her eyes. I started getting worried.

"Well I don't know let see I just heard that my dear bestfriend has a date with the new guy? When were you planning on telling me?" Skylar said giving her best glare.

"Uh well he asked me out today. Beside it just a date. Where did you hear this?" I asked.

"I have my ways. And yea it just a date. When is he picking you up" skylar said excitement. Swear I think my bestfriend is bipolar sometimes.

"At eight and beside it not just a date. I'm trying to make someone jealous" I said looking down the floor.

"My bestfriend is trying to make some guy jealous ? Girl I want some details right now!" Skylar said crossing her arms with a smirk on her face.

"Alright alright" I said taking a seat on the couch. Skylar was already taking a seat and waiting impatiently.

"You know the guy Aiden right" I said to her calmly. Her eyes turn widen when I said his name.

"Oh my god the guy hat I was flirting with? Scarlett I'm so sorry I didn't know you liked him and here I was flirting with a guy that my bestfriend likes" skylar said. With panic.

"Sky it okay. And I don't like him" I said which was kinda a lie. Deep inside is telling me that I like him but at the same time I don't.

"Yea says the one that making Aiden jealous" skylar grinned. Dam her she got me there.

"Ok you got me there. Yea I may like him just a little but his attitude I can't stand. Beside The guy that I'm going out on a date is Aiden brother Xavier." I said with a smirk.

"Oh is he hot?" She said wiggling her eyebrow. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes and I think you may like him" I said with a smirk.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let get you ready for you date" skylar said grabbing my hand and leading me to her room.

Dear lord what she planning to do to me. Skylar seat me down in the bed. She went to her hair dresser and grabbed her curly iron. She walked behind me and undo my hair. Skylar grabbed my hair one by one and curled it. It took at least one hour to do my hair. I'm glad my hair is naturally straight or it gonna take me at least two more hours to do my hair. Once she was done she picked her make up case and did my make up.

"Have you ever consider on doing makeup and hair ?" I spoke up while she did my face.

"Well yea I thought of it but I'm not sure if I'm actually good" she said adding eyeshadow on my eyes.

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