Chapter 15: saving one another

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I began tossing and turning, I couldn't sleep with all this worried, and afraid I had over victor coming through my dream again. Every night I try not thinking about it or I take some sleeping pills to sleep but nothing seems to work. I still have the dream. This time I don't know if he will pop on my dreams, he could be angry for being interrupted by my brother Christopher. I snapped my eyes open to see the time it was 2 in the morning. I decided to take a walk outside. I got up putting on my robe. I tip toe out of my room. Mia room door is open, she must be over at the boys dorm, mmmm maybe I should head over there. I grabbed my dorm keys and headed out. The halls was darks but I made it through.

I walked all the way to the boys dorm. The boys dorm was also dark until I saw a light coming out of Aiden dorm. There awake I assumed. I walked in to see a making out Mia and Logan. Noah was busy watching the football to pay attention. Xavier was short off doing some weird thing. I didn't see Aiden anywhere. Where could he be.

"Ah look who's here" Xavier spoke up. Mia and Logan pulled apart, Mia was blushing. I giggled making her blush again.

"Hey I didn't know you were awake still" Mia said getting off Logan lap earning a growl from him.

"Down boy" Mia demanded. Everyone chuckled.

"I'm a wolf not a dog" Logan scoffed.

"Same thing" Mia pointed out.

"No wolf are bigger and meaner. Dogs are cute and sweet." Logan stated a fact making Mia rolled his eyes.

" I have to agree on Logan on that" I chuckled.

"Thank you" Logan said proudly.

"You can't sleep" Logan said concerned.

"No. I'm afraid to sleep wondering if victor would show up any minute now. He could probably be angry that my brother interrupted me." I admit. Everyone nodded.

"So where's Aiden and my brother" I said looking around for them.

"They went hunting. They should be back by now. I wonder what taking so long" Xavier looking at the time. I shrugged.

I took a seat next to Noah who was focus on the game. Noah barely talk to me, I wonder if dislike me or something, then again Noah never talks much unless it Aiden. I looked back to Mia who was busy again with Logan.

"You both do know there a room right?" I bother asking. They pulled away getting a smirk from Logan, I rolled my eyes.

"Yea but we are to lazy to move. Beside does it bother you my dear bestfriend" Logan replied.

"Well yea it does. All I wanna do is gag right now. You both look like you eating each other out" I said making gag noises. Noah chuckled so did Xavier.

"Oh Scarlett are you jealous cause your dear Aiden won't kiss you like this" Logan using a baby voice. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"For your information I'm not jealous and secondly I don't need aiden to kiss me like I am a piece of meat." I said crossing my arms.

Logan was about to name another come back when Christopher came in holding a hurt Aiden. He was all bruised up, he had gash of blood on his arm. Clothes ripped and cover with wet blood. Blood was dripping in his mouth. He looked fragile and weak at this point that I just want to help him. Maybe I can, if I give him some of my blood. He bend helping me out, all I could do is repay him for what he done to me. I got up and rush over to them. His brother looked worried for his own brother who was hurt. Who would do this to him. Could it be victor or Brianna.

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