Chapter 19 the truth to be told

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I was pacing back and forth trying to figure how will I tell skylar about me and our friends. I can already picture herself reacting, screaming up hills. I just hope she take everything well. I know I reacted badly when I found out, I just hope she reacts normally like I didn't. I wasn't just worried how skylar reaction, I'm worried about my transformation; what if something goes wrong in my transformation? Will I end up losing control of my vampire habits? or will I end up not waking up from my transformation? All this thoughts were all over my head. I'm not the only one that worried about my transformation so is Aiden I could see it in eyes that how worried he is for me, yea he tries hiding it but I can tell. It what soulmate do, they know when something is wrong. My thoughts were interrupted by my soulmate himself wrapped his strong arms around my waist he buried he head on my neck placing a gentle kiss on my neck.

"Worried about skylar reaction?" Aiden mumbled in my neck.

"Yea. You think she will react normal?" I said looking out the window for any signs of skylar. I hope she has a safe ride over.

"It depends how she is. She will understand why you kept the secret. And if you want I'll tell her about us being a vampire. I'll help you out." Aiden stated. Aiden makes it sound so easy.

"Yea I think it best you tell her about supernatural while I tell her about me. I just hope everything goes well" I sighed. Aiden cares my flat stomach. We heard a car pull up from the drive way, it time.

"I'll tell the guys she here. Don't worry everything will be fine" Aiden sured me. I nodded.

Aiden disappeared to the little hall in the motel. I turn to see skylar getting out of the car with a angry look in her face. When I say angry I mean very angry. I let out a sigh before I open the door and hell some yelling from skylar. I open the door to see skylar storming in the room. I close the door taking a minute before facing skylar. Less then minute skylar started letting out her steam,

"So tell me huh? Tell me what have you been hiding from me?! You know scar I thought we were best of friend but I'm not sure if we really here. Did our promise ever meant something to you. You do remember the promise right?! Oh wait you didn't! So where the rest of our so calls friends of mine?!" She said right on cue Aiden came out with our friends. They looked terrified at skylar right at this point couldn't blame them she can be scary when she want too. Logan just had a blank face since he already use to seeing sky angry.

"Skylar why don't you take a seat and I'll explain to you. Look don't be angry with Scarlett. We promise her not to say a word about us. What your about to hear you may not believe us but believe everything we will tell you ok. And if you want to run up hills then do so" Aiden explain calmly and gentle. Skylar narrowed her eyes and followed his orders.

"What are you a king to tell me what to do" she snapped. Well she got that part correctly. Aiden didn't say anything but joined with skylar, we all did too. Skylar looked impatiently.

"Do you believe in supernaturals? Xavier spoke up first. Xavier is probably making it easy for her not to react since she is his soulmate. I did notice Xavier eyes lit up when he saw her come in the door.

"Do I loo like the type to believe in supernaturals?" Skylar said bluntly.

"Noah your turn to speak" Xavier sighed. Noah took a sip before speaking.

"Well my dear skylar your looking at a supernatural being. We consider ourselves a vampire"-noah was interrupted my sky burst into fit of laughters. She was holding her stomach like if this is some type of joke to her.

"So you all want me to believe you all are vampire who suck blood from human. Yea right none of those things are real. I think you all need some serious help. Oh man I never laugh so hard like this before" skylar giggled in the end. We all looked at her with a serious expression in our faces.

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