Chapter 6: He returns

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The past few days have been pretty much busy. Noah has been watching over Scarlett like a hawk only when she alone. Mia has been alert for Scarlett and her dreams. So far she hasn't yet had any, well that what I been hearing from Noah. Scarlett has been stay away from me like I'm stay away from her. My guts is telling me maybe staying away from her is wrong but I'm just the type of vampire that won't get close to a girl like my soulmate. I know soulmate are suppose to be a forever type of sh*t but forever isn't forever, you'll end up losing that person you care about. Scarlett stares every time I pass by or I'm in class, she try's for me not to notice, but of course I do especially when I'm a vampire.

Mia hasn't spoken to me since that fight we had which I saw was pointless. She thinks she know everything but she doesn't. The funny thing is that what make her think my brother will come and swipe Scarlett of her feet. For crying out loud my brother is long gone and probably not coming back. It been years I haven't heard of him, he probably died or something. Mia and her new friends became closer than ever. Then rub it in my face saying 'oh Scarlett is such a sweet person' or 'me and Scarlett have so much in common. She tells me I'm making a big mistake. Honestly I'm not. How many time she tell me to give Scarlett a change, I won't bother listening.

I have been searching on the web about this vampire victor and so far I got nothing. Victor is just a vampire who like to hide in his own shadow. There has to be someone that know about this victor guy. My thought were interrupted by Mia and Noah coming in the dorm.

"Well Scarlett hasn't had a single dream since last time. I think victor knows I been alert in Scarlett. He probably trying to find the right opportunity to get in her dream without no one trying to wake her up" Mia sighed pouring some white wine in her drink.

"Does Scarlett know about you and noah watching over her" I told her. She looked at me with bored look in her face.

"No" she said flatly leaving the dorm saying goodbye to Noah.

"Man you two need to start talking again. This feel awkward watching you two not talking" Noah chuckle "but I may have to agree with Mia though. You can be pushing Scarlett away especially when this victor is out there or your brother" Noah said watching the football.

"Look I don't care what you and Mia has to say or agree on. Imm'a do whatever I wanna do with my life. I'm not gonna accept her" I snapped at him. He just stared at the tv.

It was 12 in the afternoon. Time to head to class. I grabbed my belongings and headed out the dorm without saying goodbye to Noah. Why are they pressuring me to accept her speaking of the devil. Scarlett was walking to campus with her book in her hand. Her hairs was straight today. She was wearing a high waisted short and a t-shirt of the campus. She was alone this time. I groan, I followed her inside the campus making sure she safe. I don't know why I care but Mia might kill me if something happen to her new bestfriend.

She was heading to the same class I was heading. Great I'm I gonna have every class with her. I walked in and saw the professor fixing some of his wallpaper in his desk. Half the

Of the students were here, some were probably running late or sick. I took a seat and watch Scarlett head. Yea she right in front of me.

"I see some of my classes are missing to bad I have to start out without them" the professor smirked. The professor was about to say something until someone open the door. I couldn't believe my eyes. What the hell my brother doing here.

"Can I help you" the professor said sternly.

"Yea I'm Xavier I'm starting your class today" Xavier said with a smile. Xavier looked up at me giving me a smirk and looked at Scarlett with a gentle smile. I let out growl making Xavier smirk more. The professor nodded. Xavier went to take a seat next to Scarlett.

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