Chapter 16 boyfriend and girlfriend

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It been at least a day that Aiden was almost killed by those angry vampire, and me saving him with my blood plus him saving me. Let just say we save one another. Aiden was healing perfectly well, so was I.

I have been staying at aiden dorm ever since the accident happen. I never once had a dream of victor. Aiden was my helper, it like victor knows I'm with aiden so he won't bother coming into my dream unless he waiting for the right opportunity to come or waiting just the right time when I'm alone. For now I feel safe with aiden.

Aiden in another hand as been more then cheerful since I came in the picture. He hasn't once been acting heartless to me or his friends. It a big change for him. I was wrong about him in the begin. Like everyone says 'never judge a book by its cover' I was very wrong to judge him. Yea I cant lie about how he acted but he had a good reason to it.

His friends are starting to like this new him, I know they have been feeling uncomfortable with his change but they slowly got use to it. They been telling me I'm one lucky charm to Aiden. Honestly aiden is the one that been changing himself on of his own.

I don't know where me and aiden stand right now. He been gentle, caring, flirty and been nothing but nice to me. Yea we kiss now and there. So honestly I don't know where we actually stand right now. I want to be with him but I don't want to force him on being in a relationship just yet.

Though I couldn't help but think about the kiss that happen a two days ago. Did he wanted to kiss me? Did he feel bad for kissing me without permission? I thought. Ever since the kiss happen, he hasn't bother talking about it or even kiss me which I'm not complaining about it.

Aiden is handsome for a vampire. He loyal to himself, to everyone else even me. He a good king, I don't know why he wants to give it up to his brother that unless Xavier want to be king. Well we never know. Aiden was appealing; his black dark hair, crystal blue eyes, perfect lips, and his abs. I'm I lucky to have him as my soulmate ? Yea I am lucky. My thought were broken by the devil himself.

"Hello anyone in there" aiden joked with a smirk.

"Yea sorry I zone out a little" I chuckled.

"Zone a little ? I believe you were thinking about me" aiden gave a arrogant smirk. I rolled my eyes at his silliness.

"To answer your question I have not been thinking about you so get that crazy idea out of your head. Now I believe you wanted to ask me something?" I simply said.

"Right, are you already pack and already know what your planning on telling skylar about the trip" aiden asked sternly.

I sighed "I'm have everything packed, and skylar well I'm planning on it. I hate lying to her or keeping secrets from her. We kept a promise never to lie to each other or keep any secrets" I replied.

"I know but she can't find out about us." Aiden stated.

"I know" I sighed rubbing my forehead from this stress.

"We will figure it out" aiden comforted. I just nodded.

We were currently in his dorm right now. We didn't have any class today so it a free day for us. Our friends were out hunting in the woods. I haven't talk to skylar since forever. I should hang out with her later before I leave to this trip.

"Are you feeling okay? You been oddly quiet today?" Aiden broke the silent.

"Just thinking ?" I simply replied.

"About ?" He said curiously. He was no longer focus to the tv, he put it in mute.

I turn around to get a good view to him. He was looking at me with concern and curious in his facials

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