Chapter 28: Crazy Ex on the lose, and more serious problem.

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Brianna escaped, how is this even possible. She was locked up unless someone helped her escape. As we heard the news we quickly gotten dressed and walked to the dungeon. I couldn't help but feel the sudden chill coming from down here and it wasn't a good type of chills. I never seen a dungeon before or never been in one. I as we arrived down the dungeon, I could smell flesh blood. My eyes turn red and my fangs came out.

Xavier turn on the light making me gasp at the horror that was right in front of us. Three or more guards were dead, there were shattered and heart ripped out of there chest. I was horrified. I knew Brianna didn't do this, someone did by the smell. The smell wasn't recognized. I looked up at Aiden who was beyond furious right now. Any minute he turn into a killing spree. Ok Scarlett it no time for jokes.

"Did Brianna do this?" Aiden spoke to Xavier.

"Yea aiden, she did. She the only one that can pull this off." Xavier said. He wrong. I shook my head. No she wasn't alone, and I have a theory who I know who helped her.

"No, someone helped her escaped. Don't you two smell another scent in this room?" I spoke looking between Aiden and Xavier. They both sniffed the fainted scent.

"She right, someone did helped her. But whom?" Aiden said looking at the dead body. Aiden turn to look at Xavier.

"Xavier I want everything cleared up. Once your finish meet me in my office. We need a plan." Aiden ordered. Xavier nodded as he get right to it.

Aiden grabbed my head as he took me back upstair. He didn't say a single word. Once we were out of the dungeon. Aiden let go and continue to walk to his office. I sighed and decided to let him have his space. I know he angry and afraid he would hurt me. I saw Logan and Mia seating down watching the news. They notice my presence, as they waited for some new about Brianna escaped.

"So far as I know. Someone helped Brianna escaped. Guards were shattered and some are barely alive."I sighed flopping myself in the couch.

"Who would help Brianna?" Logan question.

"Probably her stupid witch friend." Mia growled as she got up to pace back and forth.

"No, I would of smell the witch scent. It was a vampire for sure. I have this theory I know who is helping her." I said looking at Logan and Mia.

"Who?!" Logan and Mia unison. I sighed.

"Victor" I said with a bored tone. They both growled. I know how they feel but we don't know my theory is corrected.

"And what exactly make you think that?" Logan said understanding my theory.

"Think about it. It been, what a week or days that victor hasn't come to visit my dreams or his shadow. Victor his sneaky. I have a feeling Brianna and victor are working together." I said looking at each one of us.

"You may be right about that." Mia said looking at me. It only make sense now. It just possible way that victor is helping Brianna or Brianna is helping him.

"Have you told Aiden about this?" Logan said looking at me. Should I even tell Aiden about this? I mean, I don't want to stress him even more but if anything, I will. He said, he was gonna make a plan. Maybe my theory can help him.

"I'm going to tell him once he cool off by all this." I said looking at my hands.

I wish, we had a remarkable day without no worries and just spend our time in the bedroom making love the whole day. I couldn't help but picture our night together making love. Every touch, every kiss, and every desire of our love. Everything about last night was memorable. I smiled by the thought of last night. I heard two person clearing there voice making me break my thoughts.

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