Chapter 5: Dreams

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I was in the same woods but this time there weren't any fogs. I was wearing a different dress, I was wearing a red long dress. I walked around the woods and saw a figure right in front of me.

It has to be the same figure from before. He had the same smirk on in face, he's eyes were bright red with hunger. He moved forward while I moved back. Running wasn't an option since he can literally get me in a flash.

"We meet again my dear Scarlett" the man said having a smirk on his face showing his fangs.

"What do you want from me?!" I shouted at him. He let out a laugh.

"You. You see Scarlett you are meant for me. I want you and I want to make you mine. I'm not gonna let your stupid pathetic soulmate of yours get in our way and I will make sure of it. You belong to me" he simply said adding a growl. What is he talking about soulmate.

"My dear you will find out soon very soon. Just remember you are mine not his. He doesn't even want you" he laughed in the end of the sentence,.

"Look I don't know who you are and I don't know what your on with the soulmate thing. Just leave me alone" I shouted.

"My dear I will never leave you alone. You lucky I'm not drinking you blood. Now I think it time to wake up but I will come back and I will have your blood dear Scarlett" he said vanishing out of the air.

Dream ended~~

I screamed the top of my lungs. This is the fourth time I had this nightmare of this man. Who was he and why does he Keeps appearing in my dream, what is he talking about soulmate. I started having this crazy dreams of this man since a month ago. This is the fourth time already. I tried everything to keep this dream away from me but nothing seems to work not even sleeping pills or dreamcatcher he just randomly comes to my dreams.

A second later Mia and sky came into my room with a bat in there hands. Mia search for intruder in my room. They notice it was just me in the room. Sky looked at me worriedly and concern.

"Another nightmare" sky said seating in the bed putting the bat down. Sky is the only person that knows about my dreams. No one know about it not even my parents.

"Yea the same nightmares" I told her. Grabbing my drink that was next to my nightstand. I took a sip of it.

"Nightmare? What is your nightmare about" Mia said questioning. I looked at her. Could I trust her? I thought.

"You can trust me" Mia said like she was reading my thoughts.

"There this man in my dream the same man that been coming to my dream. My dreams is always in the wood and it always foggy but this time there weren't any fog. That last few dream was when he came and drank my blood. He said my blood is sweet I don't know why. In this dream he told me I belong to him and only his. He also said that my pathetic soulmate won't be able to get our way not if he do something about it. He said he'll be coming back to me" I said finishing tell them my dreams.

"Soulmate?"sky question

"That what he said. I don't know what he on about soulmate" I told them laying back down.

"Do you know how this man looks like?" Mia said looking at me.

"No he always hiding in the shadow. Like he doesn't want to be seen. I kept telling him who are you but all he said was you will find out" I told them. Mia had a thinking face. Trying to figure out what my dreams is about.

"I got nothing, but all I know is that this man is trying to reach you and I believe this man is real." Mia said with a serious look in her face. How can she think that this man is trying to reach me and he real. Come on vampire aren't real?.... Are they. This is getting really hard to figure out. Maybe she right though. My parent is keeping something from me and then a man is reaching out for me. I think it time to investigate.

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