Chapter 13: More surprises visit

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It been a day that me and Aiden started becoming friends. Everyone was surprise about it seeing us talking and laughing that they took a picture or video taped us. I never knew Aiden had a good side well that cause I probably didn't give him a chance and got to know the real Aiden. I honestly must say I like this nice Aiden. Now I must figure out how to break his curse. He did say I was the only person to break the curse but how?, I thought.

What type of ex would want to still his throne and put him a curse for breaking up with her. He did say she was a half witch so maybe there more witches out there that can help me break Aiden curse. I also must be careful with this half witch Brianna, who know if she find out that Aiden has a soulmate god know what she be able to do with me or Aiden.

I was currently seating in the lab doing some research for class when I saw Aiden walking towards my table with a smirk on his face. I couldn't help but smile back. He took a seat in front of me still having a smirk on his face.

"What with the smirk" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Oh nothing the fact that my brother and Noah are making fun of me cause I'm going to soft" Aiden said with a chuckle. Yea I had to agree with that.

"Please tell your not agreeing with them" Aiden whined like a five year old making me burst into laugh. I was so not expecting him whine.

"Well I think I have too. No offense I like this well new you but the smirk, the whine and you going soft seem a little to weird. Don't get me wrong I actually like this new you" I said with a smile.

"I guess your right... Hey I did not whine"Aiden said pointing at me. I raise my eyebrow and gave him a 'who are you fooling' look. He chuckled. I heard across the lab door two girl coming in talking about someone guy joining campus.

"Yo did you hear the new guy that start campus"

"I heard he totally hot"

"I wonder if he good in bed"

"I saw him first"

"Beside I talk to him and he just walked away....rude but totally hot"

I rolled my eyes at them.

"I swear they think they still in high school gossiping about a hot guy joining campus." I scoffed. Taking a sip of my coffee I had with me.

"Wait you heard them from all the way over there" Aiden said looking at me weirdly.

"Uh yea. Ever since I was little I could ear and see from miles away. I asked my mom about it, she said I was born special. Honestly I really did believe her. Once I gotten bigger my vision and earring became more clear." I explained to him while I research some works. I looked back at him to give him a confuse looked.

"Anything else I should know about" Aiden said suspiciously. I looked around to see if anyone was hearing . Since we trying to get to know each other why not tell him my life story.

"Uh well let see. You remember how you alway heal me with your blood?" I said

He nodded telling me to keep going.

"Well every time I taste your blood in my mouth make me want to drink some more. Like I don't know how to explain it. I know blood are taste like iron but when I drink yours it taste like sweet blood running down my throat. I don't know if it the soulmate thing or maybe I'm wrong. It just weird you get me" I said looking at him.

"Yea it weird. I never heard a human liking blood before. It could be the soulmate bond or maybe we are wrong." Aiden said turning all serious now.

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