Chapter 20: hurt

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I currently seating in the hospital chair staring at my soulmate who is unconscious. There wasn't any sign of her waking up anytime soon but the doctor said she is perfectly healing well. It only been three days worrying about skylar also angry at who ever did to her. They're gonna pay from what they have done. Scarlet and Aiden had been forcing me to leave the room but I was to stubborn to leave all I want to do is stay here and wait for skylar to wake up. I haven't left the room since she got here. The nurses wanted to kick me out but I just didn't bother listening to them. My thought were interrupted by my phone buzz. It was an unknown number.


How do you feel to see your soulmate hurt Xavier? I'm watching your every move you make Xavier.

I felt my eye flash red from anger but yet I felt guilty that I was the one to put skylar in the hospital. I just and to make the leader angry. I let out a frustration growl. I wish I can rewind time and never let all this happen to me or my mate. God knows what he planning next, my brother, my friend or my family who don't even care but they are still my family. I heard the hospital room door open to face a tired and worried Scarlett. She gave me a sad smile and walked towards me pulling a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey are you hungry, Aiden bringing some blood bag over to you if you want and whiskey. She will wake up,I just know so." Scarlett said

"This is all my fault! If I hadn't piss off the leader none of this would of happen." I said pulling my head between my hands.

"Xavier none of this is your fault things happen. When skylar get all better we will get those bastard who did this to her." She spoke up. I nodded.

Aiden came in with blood bag and some whiskey. Our friends came in with some clothes for me. I guess I need to change. I smile at all off them thanking them for everything there doing, supporting me while skylar was in the hospital.

I went to the bathroom to change while Aiden helped pour some drink and my food for me. Once I was done I head out the bathroom having Aiden handing me my drink. I seat down on my usual place that I have been staying.

"Do you think she will tell us what she saw?" Mia spoke up.

"Mia we don't know. We will find out when she wake up and ready to talk for now let not tell her about the vampire stuff until she fully well" Scarlett replied.

"You know this is the first time seeing my brother go soft for his soulmate and worried every second." Aiden chuckle, I turn to give a raising eyebrow.

"I would be talking brother. Your also been going soft. I believe Scarlett is doing that"I smirking making Aiden chuckle.

"I could imagine skylar driving you crazy. Oh oh imagine mini Xavier running around."Mia squeal in the end. Everyone widen there eyes,

"Yea I think one Xavier is enough for us" Scarlett chuckled.

"Hey what that suppose to mean?" I said looking at Scarlett who just shrugged. I rolled my eyes taking a sip of my drink. We heard a small groan coming from skylar I put my drink in the table and lean closer to her.

"Skylar open your eyes please." I begged I grabbed her hand and hold it tightly. Scarlett and everyone was on her side waiting for her to wake her beautiful eyes. Come on, come on baby open your eyes.


I let out a groan again fluttered my eyes open to face all my face with so much worried in here expression, I couldn't help but gave a smile a them I moved a little making another groan come out of my mouth my whole body felt so stiffed from laying in this bed. Scarlett got the control of the bed and move the bed up that way I would move.

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