Chapter 27 : The ball (part two)

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Chapter 27 : The ball (part2)


"Hello Aiden. We meet again" Brianna spoke as she takes off her mask. Aiden growled angrily. What is she doing here, in our kingdom, and in our ball. She had a smirk in her face as she looks at Aiden. Aiden had red eyes with anger. Everyone had stopped on what they were doing and watch at the scene before us.


There stood Brianna right in front of us. No one said a single word but watch the scene before us. Everyone was surprise to see Brianna in the castle. She was wearing all black gown, matching her black with black crystal mask. She had red lips stick matching her bright red eyes. She had that sly smirk as she watch upon us. I looked at Xavier who had a very piss off look as he protects his beloved one. I felt his whole body tense up as he was next to me. Aiden quickly reacted as he stood in front of me protectively.

Everyone that was surrounding us, had started to gossip on probably why is she doing here or what is Aiden planning to do about her. We were expecting none of this, whatsoever but Aiden sure did expected it to happen. I notice the guards had appeared holding there weapons, ready to aim at the target. I moved a little to see a good view of Brianna who was looking at Aiden with please to see him. I growled possessively. Aiden reached for my hand as he gripped tightly.

Looking at her makes me wanna tear her apart, every inch of her including her heart. How can she just welcome herself to the ball with no invitation. Didn't that last visit ended up bad, to her she didn't care but be here. She not gonna give up until she has Aiden in her arms or more like the kingdom. She wanted power but she not getting it from here.

"Brianna what are you doing here?" Aiden harshly said. Brianna just smile by listening to his voice. Brianna slowly walked towards the stair on the stage.

"Well Aiden baby. I came here to see you, why of course. Why are you acting this way towards me baby." Brianna said faking how hurt she is. Please who's gonna believe her lies.

"Bullshit Brianna, we all know why your here. Your not here for Aiden, but his kingdom. It seems that fight we had a few weeks ago didn't warn you enough not to be near my soulmate." I growled harshly. Aiden hold me tightly before I go right ahead and kill her.

"Well aren't you a charming. Actually I want both. Aiden and the thorn but you have to get in my way don't you. Don't you see, Aiden doesn't care for you, all he ever wants is power and someone to stand next to him just for his reputation. Your being fool scarlet. Aiden will never care about anyone, his soul is full of darkness." Brianna stated back with a smug look in her face.

She a liar. I can't let her words get of me.

"Yea and it your fault for making him this way. " I growled at her as I snatched away from Aiden to face her better. My eyes were probably red by now. I was beyond angry.

"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Look at you Aiden, your handsome and powerful. Look at what you have surrounding you. She no match for you Aiden, and she weak for a newbie vampire. She can't give you, that I can give you." Brianna spoke up. This got Aiden mad, no madder.

"No, your wrong. Scarlett have always gave me everything I ever needed and that hope. Something you will never give me. You made me something dark but I'm becoming so much better. There's one things I won't trade anything for and that Scarlett. She the best thing that ever happen to me. I dearly love her with my might. And there nothing in the world that will stop me from being with Scarlett. I don't need a kingdom or be a king. All I need is Scarlett. She my life now. And Brianna, for a newbie she had shown you what she can do." Aiden spoke generally to her. Did he just say he love me? Or did I hear wrong.

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