Chapter 4: poison is sweet

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Why does beautiful man like him has to be a jerk. Yesterday night he was looking concern the next he acts like a jerk. And what does he think he is telling who I am? I'm human just a normal human who trying to live her life fullest. I'm still trying to figure out what my mom is keeping from me. Whatever I'm just gonna focus on my studies.

"Hey you okay?" Sky said breaking my thoughts,

"Yea fine. Just lots of things in my mind right now" I told her honestly. She nodded. We headed back to our dorm to relax a little before we head out for coffee with Mia and them.

"So who was that guy?" Skylar said making me groan.

"Some jerk asking me a stupid question" I told her taking a sip of my water.

"Well for a jerk he sure is hot" skylar said with a grin on her face. There a pin of jealousy when she said he was hot but I push it away.

"Yea well don't let a beautiful face fool you" I grumble underneath my breathe.

Mia came in all cheerful. Man she full of happiness today. She looked at if we have three heads.

"What up Mia" skylar said with a smirk on her face.

"Nothing just feeling happy and cheerful. You know I thought you two will find me weird and judge me on how I look" Mia said looking at us.

"Judge you? Why would we want to judge you Mia. There is nothing to judge about you. There nothing weird about you at all. We need a cheerful and happy in our group. I'm tired of listening to sky whine and grumpy every morning" I said to her adding a chuckle.

"Hey I'm not grumpy over the morning yea I whine but me grumpy no" sky said defending herself. I raise my eyebrow and gave her a who-are-you-fooling look.

"Ok fine I'm grumpy every morning gosh. I'm not a morning person." She admits.

"Never wake skylar up from her sleep" Mia noted.

"Alright are we gonna head to the coffee shop or what?" Skylar said feeling impatiences.

We all nodded and headed out the dorm. Mia told us the guys were gonna wait for us in the coffee shop. I don't know how Imm'a deal with that jerk face. All I could do is ignore him. We finally arrived to the coffee shop where was close to our campus. I saw Mia cousin jerk face and his bestfriend I assumed. She waved at them and took a seat. I took a seat next to Mia and skylar took a seat next to Aiden. Once again I felt another pin of jealousy.

"Hey guys this is Scarlett and skylar my new best friends"Mia said with a excitement voice. We didn't mind at all.

"Sky and scar this is Noah and Aiden" Mia said pointing at Noah and Aiden. Ah so the jerk face has a name I see. Even if he has a name doesn't mean I will change how he is.

"Hello hello you must be the famous scar aye" Noah said giving me a kiss on the hand. I couldn't help but blush.

"Ah look Noah you made her blush" Mia said making me even more redder. Aiden let out a growl. Wait did just growl. What is he now a dog.

"So any who do you have a boyfriend dear scar" Noah said looking at me.

"Noah would you stop flirting with my best friends gosh she not interested in you" Mia snapped. Mmmm I think I sense some jealousy in there air.

"What you jealous" Noah smirked making her blush.

"Me jealous no of course not I just don't like when you flirt with my brand new friends"Mia said crossing her arms. Noah was about to speak until sky phone started ringing.

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