Chapter 36: It ends here

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"How can you kill your own son?!" Victoria shouted at her father. Her father didn't careless about his son or anyone but his own. What sick bastard would treat his own children like this.

"The type that doesn't care."

"You will care once your dead."

I turn around to see everyone fighting, I couldn't see Aiden anywhere. Where was he? I thought. God please don't let anything happen to him. I would die knowing he's gone. I took a glance at Logan pack, there were fighting for there life. Xavier and everyone else were kicking ass. Valentina and Fiona were also working together as Noah stayed close to Valentina. The underworld were there fighting as well. We are gonna win, and everyone will be safe from all this.

"You know Scarlett. It doesn't have to be this way. Just give me what I want and all this will come to an end." Victor said snapping out of my thoughts.

"I will never give you my powers." I sneered as I looked at him with a hard look. I was beyond furious right now. My eyes were red as my fangs were out feeling the anger of killing him once and for all.

"So be it!" Victor said as he made my friend and my brother fly all over the room. Victoria was thrown by the wall as she laid there unconscious, Christopher was thrown out of the castle. I turn to look at victor and his witch. I was alone now. Victor signal his witch to start the spell.

"Ahhhhhh" I screamed as I clenched my head. The pain was unbelievable. It feels like my head was about to burst out. I stumbled backwards as I fell down the ground.

I couldn't barely see considered my vision was starting to blur. Victor, smirked as he walked towards me. His eyes were bright red as his fangs were out ready to kill me. In the background I heard my name being shouted as victor was no longer coming towards me. But it didn't help much when the witch was still casting her spell over me. The pain started getting worse than ever. I was feeling weaker now. I couldn't get the chance to kill victor.

Come on Scarlett.

Defeat her, Kill her! I kept a on chanting in my head. I use all my force as I slowly got myself up from the floor. I use all the energy in my body to bring down the witch. I decided to burn her alive. My flame for my hand started raising from my hand. I can feel the hit of my body. I focus on on the witches as I throw the fire ball on her. She started to scream as her body burn. The pain was no longer as I felt more stronger now. I saw Aiden fighting off victor. Victor push Aiden off him sending him flying across the room. Aiden was unconscious on the grown now. Everyone was still fighting each other.

"Look what you did Scarlett. You had killed my only hope. Now what should I do to you." Victor said. As he turn to look at me. The stake was still behind my shirt. I could use it now but I need to distract victor.

"You really don't have to do this. Whatever grudge you been holding onto need to stop. There no point, your gonna die. Don't you want to start over and start a new life." I said looking at him. He scowled at my statement.

"What new life? This is my life now. And it will be much better when I get what I want!" Victor spat as he lunged at me. He punch me several time. This time I blocked him as I kneeled him right at the crunch. I push him off me.

Victor got up from the floor quickly as he looked at me with anger. I lunged at him sending him some few punch. He dodge every single one of them, he grabbed me by the hair and throw me to the wall. I stumbled myself to get up from the floor. I use my fire flame to strike him but he dodge it. As I was about to lung at him once again, I was hold back by two furious vampire. I struggle myself to get out of his hold but they were strong for a new borns. One of the vampire got the stake behind my back and handed it to victor.

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