1. Something new

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It started at school like many things do. My mum drove me to the place I was to start afresh and forget all the people I had become friends with but alas she did not care in the slightest.

"Do I have to start today?" I asked her without turning.

She glanced at me annoyed as I had been asking that question from the moment I found out I would be changing schools.

"Do you have to ask?" She said sarcastically, "It's a boarding school and I think at 17, one year living away from  your loving mother won't kill you. Unless you want to jump out of the car."

Honestly, I wasn't even angry with her, I just dont like the change of coming home everyday to it then becoming every 3 or so months. Looking at my phone, I realised that in less that an hour, me and my phone would be apart. How would I survive? I may have to write... Letters. Tragic. I opened my messages and saw some from my old school friends.

Sammy: Good luck and have fun! Don't make a new BFF! - I quickly replied back to that saying I won't and realised most of the people texting me said the same thing. Maybe they've created a cult. I laughed because Sammy would freak out if she heard she had to go in the woods and chant.

Then I saw a message which I had no response.

Noah: If you want to get back together I'm here waiting so don't get a new guy lol :)

What does that mean? He's not my dad or brother and especially not my boyfriend. Not anymore. I ignored his text then stared outside the window. I prefered to go to this school than have a conversation with Noah.


3... 2... 1... The car stopped in a front of a gate that read 'St.Nicholas' school'. I stared at the large building that seemed to have more than one wing and what appeared to be a stadium. But most importantly it was in the middle of nowhere surrounded by forest that seemed to stretch endlessly.

Panicking, I started trying to convince my mum it was a bad idea to send me to this school. "Mother, listen to me. You cannot leave a British girl in a school in America and think it's okay. I won't survive one day in there so please as your daughter, let me go home!"

She looked at me. Blinked. Smirked and said, "Get your bags daughter."


- So hey! This is the beginning of my new book so don't judge ^^

If you, my lovely cookies, have any thoughts on what I could do later on in the story or any names (I'm not that creative) just tell me.

& Who is Noah? ;)

XO Nyx_

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