5. Stairs mean a slower way to hell

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The day continued normally. No one spoke to me and I returned the favour. But good things must come to an end.

"What the hell is Elements, Compounds and Magyk?" I asked Pia as we left our science class.

"You're a sorceress so obviously you need to have a lesson for it," she stated simply. "You can't waddle through cities turning people into forks or something. That's why you have to learn about your powers. Duh."

I gazed at my timetable, not completely sure of what she was telling me. It told me I was supposed to be on Floor 3 in room 402 with Mrs. Grimm.


The bell rang waning everyone that we had 5 minutes to get to our next subject. I waved goodbye to Pia and hurriedly went towards the staircase to get to the third floor. Unfortunately, I had walked right into a fight between a group of boys. They filled up the stairs that would lead me to the floor I need to get to.

"You stole my girl!" a lanky boy yelled who was around 13. How he had a girl at that age I will never know. The crowd was large so I couldn't see who he was talking to but I heard his response.

"I stole nothing from you. It's not my fault she left you." A deep, masculine voice replied calmly. I had no idea what he looked like but I bet if he spoke to butter it would melt on the spot.

You could tell the older boy had said the right thing as the observers began whooping and cheering so loudly you could not hear the bell ring for the last time. My lesson! I began trying to squeeze past them but I was pushed back to where I came from. Then, the chaos stopped suddenly. I looked around and tried to get around people but then I noticed the woman at the top of the stairs.

"What is going on here?" She questioned with a frosty voice. No one replied. She peered at everyone as if trying to find out the cause of the havoc. "Detention everyone standing here 5pm in my class room."

Everyone in dead silence hurried to their classrooms and I watched the lady walk into 402.

The same classroom I should have been in.

I entered, late, with half of the cheerleading squad, some jocks, a few quiet people and some others all staring at me. Mrs.Grimm gave me a pointed look then waved her arm. The door shut. I stared at her in shock trying to work out how that happened.

"Sit down Rhea," she ordered in a neutral tone. I immediately sat at the empty seat in the front as the back was dominated by the 'royals' of the school.

The strict teacher stood up in front of us and began the lesson.

"So you all know that you all can perform some sort of magyk, an element. We have only one," she glanced at me briefly, "person who can do sorcery. However, the principles are the same. Magyk uses energy, energy that used to do anything we wish. Normal humans could do it... But it would kill them in the process."

I watched her closely as she spoke. Her face was serious but held some sympathy for us who were going to fail her lessons - namely me.

"For our new comer, we will show her an example of what we can do or try to achieve. Marcia! Show us what you can do."

"Yes miss." Marcia skipped to the front, close enough that I could smell her Chanel perfume. Wasted perfume on a horrible person, I thought. She - for the first time I had seen her - concentrated and flicked her wrist. A bundle of sparks shot out of the palm of her hand. It was glowing bright red until flames erupted from her hand.

I was frozen in my chair and I couldn't tear my eyes from the swirling fire she had created. However, Marcia took it a step further. The small dancing flames grew until it was larger that the girl holding them. They started changing, moving around until they became a dragon made of heat.

Marcia looked at me along with her dragon as if saying 'Watch out newbie.'


- Bonjour! Hola! Hallo!

Any other ways to say hello?

Anyway I finally finished it so moving on to Chapter 6!

Have a good day cookies ^^

XO Nyx_

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