13. The devil's father calls

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Hadrian's POV

I climbed up the stairs that would take me to my dorm. A few of the guys acknowledged me but otherwise ignored me. I would have been offended if I cared but luckily that wasn't the case.

Opening the door, I walked towards my kitchen to lean against the counter.




The annoying Iphone ringtone caused my phone to vibrate. I accepted the call knowing who I was talking to without looking at the screen.


"Hello Hadrian."

"Why did you request for me to talk to you? You've trapped me here so I can't cause anymore damage."

"Not the reason I called," he replied dismissively. "Seth's back."

"Why the hell is that d*ckhead back?"

"I don't know yet. Something must be up for him to come back."

"Well, it better be the end of the world because us two don't really work together," I said irritated.

"I know but he may just pop up to you so I'm giving you a heads up."

I turned on my laptop and started checking the news. "He's nearby. I don't have time for his sh*t. Can't you just ship him off with Raven?"

"No for two reasons. One: She'll leave him crazy. Two: He may have important information." I could hear the amusement in his voice but I wasn't joking.

"I still think Raven would be the best solution."

My father sighed through the phone. "No can do. Also, I'm coming to your game."

I raised my eyebrows as if he could see me. It may seem to other people as a fatherly action but with him there must be some motive behind it. "Why?"

"Ah...Well, I need to meet your girlfriend."

"Why?" I repeated.

"Can't a father do things without a motive?" The line was silent for a few moments.

"Not you." I could never see my father doing anything without reason. Mumbles could be heard in the background.

"Hadrian, I need to go. I have a conference meeting."

"Yeah. Bye." I hanged up then froze. The sound of deep laughter burst out behind me. I turned to see a golden blond haired guy sitting on my counter playing with a feather. He jumped off grinning. If I was anyone else, I would be shaking with fear but this person I was immune to.

"Hello brother," I greeted tiredly.

"Is that how you greet your favourite brother?" He exclaimed in shock.

I walked past him and grabbed a bottle of whiskey. "You're my only brother and why would I miss someone who causes almost as much trouble as me?"

"Hurt I am. You could try saying 'Oh Seth, my older smarter brother, how I have missed you.'"

"Never will I ever say such a thing. What do you want?" I asked bluntly.

"Straight to the point, as usual. The sh*thead number 2 is moving to this school."

"Noah? Why?" I was getting fed up of that question. I opened the bottle in my hand and poured it into two glasses, handing one to Seth. He sipped before replying.

"He says that he needs to see his cousin. I don't know why he'd want to see you when you punch him all the time."

I drank the rest in my glass and poured myself another drink. I needed to be drunk to get through this conversation. "Noah is annoying. I'm only teaching him a lesson."

"I don't know what lesson that is but thank goodness I didn't take the subject. How's Mak the witch?" He went through my cupboards and started eating the cereal he found in there.

"I don't know. Don't care."

Seth stared at me in disbelief. He looked stupid with the cereal still in his mouth.

"I thought you're dating her?"

"I am."

I went to my sofa and turned on the television. I didn't need to explain my relationship with Marcia. I heard a ping from my phone and saw that I had a message from her. Speak of the she-devil.

Come to my room if you wanna get physical ;)

I decided to ignore the message. I wasn't in the mood to get almost raped by her. Not that I was ever in the mood.

"Hadrian, spare the girl and break up with her. Unless... You love her."

Shocked, I spat out the drink I had in my mouth. I glared at him and pointed to my window.

"Get out now," I growled in a low voice. He raised his hands in surrender, slowly went towards to window to then jumped out.


-Hope you like it and I'm so sorry this is late but I finished it XD


XO Nyx_

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