25. Getting to know him

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It was the end of lessons and Pia and I were going back to our dorm. It was our mid-term break so no lessons for a week. Some people were going home but most of us were staying at school including me.

"So Rhea, since you're staying what are you planning to do?" Pia asked tying her scarf tighter around her neck.

"Erm...read?" Everyone got their phones back during the last lesson and I had received so many messages I had turned it straight off.

"Well, just to let you know...I'm moving to Ryan's room because Tom's going to see his parents."

"I don't even want to know why." She blushed and wacked my arm.

"I got you a new roommate so your not alone. You're welcome." I gave her a pointed look.

"I would have been fine by myself. Me and my cookies just chilling."

"You'll thank me later." She laughed as if she knew that wasn't true. At this point, I was really suspicious.

Once we arrived to our room, Pia knocked rather than went in.

"Who is the pers-" I started.

The door swung open to reveal Hadrian. He smiled down at us and gestured we should come in. Pia hoped inside but I was frozen to the spot.

"Are you gonna stay out there, love?" Hadrian said raising an eyebrow.

"Pia, what is he doing here?" I walked into the room and pointed to the boy. Pia was packing her things into a bag. She turned and gave me a mischievous look.

"He's your new roommate. I thought it was an excellent idea and he was so willing. And look at the time! I should be off. Bye!" She ran out laughing.

Hadrian went over to my bed and laid on it. He closed his eyes like he was sleeping but by the chuckles coming out of his mouth, I knew he wasn't.

"Get out, Hadrian." I tried to push him off my bed but the boy was heavy.

"Why? I thought we were friends." He smirked still not opening his eyes.

"You can't stay here!"

"I've brought all my stuff already so no can do." His phone started ringing and he picked it up. "Hello?"

I heard a voice on the other side which sounded like a girl's.

"I miss you too, Raven." Hadrian started smiling at what the girl was saying to him.

"I'm busy right now. I'll talk to you later, princess... Love you too." He put the phone in his pocket and closed his eyes again.

I was curious about who Raven was and Hadrian could tell.

"What's bothering you, Ree?"

"Nothing..." I was dying to know who she could be. Maybe a new girlfriend. For some reason, I didn't like that idea. Hadrian sat up to look at me.

"Don't be jealous, Ree. She's my sister who's four." He went through his phone to show me a picture of a smiling little girl with the same black hair but blue eyes.

"She has different eyes to you," I pointed out. Hadrian sighed.

"Yeah, she got that from my mom. Raven's a mixture of my parents while I just look like my dad."

The conversation had moved on but I still remembered that he was in my room.

"Don't you have your own room?"

"I'll be lonely," he said pouting at me. Getting up, he took off his shirt leaving him half naked. I forced my eyes to his face.

"Put a shirt on."

"Am I distracting you?" He mocked. I glanced quickly down at his chest and saw a tattoo on his side. It was a paragraph that looked unfinished.

"What's that?" I asked pointing at it. He looked at it and grimaced.

"It's my punishment. If you look closely, you can see the paragraph is still being continued."

I found it awkward because I was staring at his body but I could see that the writing was completing itself. It was as if something invisible was writing on his skin. I leaned back to see that Hadrian was watching me.

"Does it hurt?" I said softly.

"No." It was silent for a second.

"I guess you can stay." He smiled and went in the bathroom.

This holiday was going to be interesting. Especially because Hadrian couldn't agree to anything I said.

"You're sleeping on the floor!" I told him throwing his things on the ground.

"I like your bed better." Hadrian folded his arms.

"Then I'll stay in Pia's bed."

"Okay, I'll stay there too."

I groaned in frustration. "You are not staying in the same bed as me."

"Why not?" He smirked at me.

"Because...because I said so!" I stomped my foot annoyed.

"Did you seriously stomp your foot?" I glared in response. "Fine, I'll stay on the floor." I smiled triumphant while he settled himself on the ground next to my bed.

I slid into my bed and turned off the lights. I couldn't sleep knowing he was in the room.

"Hadrian? Are you awake?" I whispered.

"Yes, I am Rhea. I'm sleeping and talking to you." I heard him turn in his sleeping bag. "If you can't sleep, just say."

"I can't sleep."

"Okay, I'll talk you to sleep. Once upon a time there was a b*tch called Mar- Mia. She was a little wh*re and slept with guys behind her boyfriend's back. One day the boyfriend decided enough was enough..."

I drifted off after a while to his very dramatic story.


How cute! NOW they live together..

And I love Hadrian's story ^^

XO Nxy_

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