18. Kiss Cam aka teen paparazzi

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I found Pia waiting for me so we could get seats. She smiled then started screaming.

"IT'S ALMOST TIME!" She waved her flag. Yes, the school had flags, and banners, and horns and some extra things I didn't know about. We Will Rock You was being played causing our school to sing it so loud it became a war chant. I almost felt sorry for the other school who looked more than afraid of us.

"Who are we playing?" I asked. I had no idea what was going on or would go on.

"The Timberwolves. Werewolf school. Orange and brown uniform."

She clapped and she dragged me find seats in the bleachers. For some reason we had reserved seats. I asked her about it and she replied, "It was Ryan. Now eat your popcorn sweet pea."

The whole student body was pumped with adrenaline, waiting for the players to come on. Finally, the speaker announced it was time.

"This is the first match of the year people." The whole stadium erupted into cheers. "By the way, remember all extra abilities have been stripped away from the teams so this is fair. Now, let's bring our players on!"

The Timberwolves ran on to be met by the thunderous booing from our side. They began huddling and talking about their game plan but we interrupted them as soon as we saw our team by screaming. Hadrian led the group holding our flag onto the pitch. Suddenly, Soulja Boy came on and they started dancing causing the school to cheer even more.

"OH MY GOSH! HADRIAN IS DANCING!" I tried to yell at Pia. She nodded her head in glee and started jumping.


Everyone was hyped up and dancing along. The cheerleaders did their own routine on the side but the team were the stars.

"Okay people its time. Get in positions please." Music was played but at a lower volume and the boys shuffled into place. The referee told them the rules quickly then it was all up to them. The whistle blew.

I would have described the game but I had no idea what was happening so I booed when the other team got the ball and cheered if we had it. Our team was doing amazingly and the Timberwolves couldn't keep up.

"OKAY RHEA! LOOK, AT HADRIAN RUN!" I saw a person, which I assumed was him, starting to run to the other side with the ball.

"I THOUGHT HIS POWER HAD BEEN TAKEN AWAY!" I asked her. Hadrian was running fast - not normal fast but slower than his usual.


At half time, the score was Home - 67 and Guest - 10. People were chanting "TSUNAMI TIGERS!" as loud as possible.

The boys went to the benches that were in front of us where the cheerleaders fawned over them. I saw Ryan and Hadrian making their way over to us. The people around us cheered for our sporty heroes.

"Baby!" Pia squealed as Ryan lifted her out of her seat to stand in front of him. I sat awkwardly as they started kissing or in my opinion, trying to eat each other. Hadrian came closer and leaned over the railing to talk.

"So what do you think?" He was grinning which was weird as he usually only smirks.

"You were a bit slow," I said slyly. Oh my, was I flirting? I convinced myself that I wasn't. I laughed as he pretended to be hurt.

"I'll work on that then." He winked then waved to the people who were probably trying to hear the conversation. He grabbed Ryan after he put Pia back and dragged him back to where the rest of their group was. Pia was just smiling to herself so I let her be.

"Hello, students!" Everyone replied saying hey. "So, we have our usual entertainment. Kiss Cam!"

Girls starting giggling and priming their hair incase they were to be chosen to be on camera. Pia began crossing her fingers and whispering.

"What are you doing?" I poked her.

"I'm hoping it will be you."

"But the guy next to me is, like, 14!" I whispered to her.

She leaned forward to look past me. "Oh. Nevermind." Pia began to eat her popcorn.

The camera whirled round till it stopped on Marcia's gleeful face and Hadrian's straight one.

"Look at that! It's our Football Captain and... That girl in the uniform." Some people laughed but I couldn't. Would he really kiss her? I saw Marcia leaning in with her eyes closed. Hadrian looked bored and sped it up by giving her a brisk kiss on the lips then indiscreetly wiped his mouth with his hand. To say Marcia was offended would be an understatement. She huffed and folded her arms.

"Well, trouble in paradise?" Everyone laughed again and I joined in because Marcia had been humiliated. "Time for the second half!"

Honestly, everyone knew what was going to happen. We won. 125-27. The school went wild and came down from the bleachers to dance to the music. The other school was allowed to stay but they left in shame. Pia had disappeared off and I starting going towards the football team to congratulate them when I saw Marcia and Hadrian in a full make out session. Hadrian raised his head and looked at me. He smirked and continued kissing her. I should have been fine but for some reason I wasn't. I felt hurt.


- Next chapter Hadrian's POV

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XO Nyx_

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