9. Murder comes in heels

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"I tried to warn you but of course why would anyone listen to a girl who can SEE THE FUTURE?!" she panted. We dodged past students running as fast as we could.

"I didn't expect her to get this angry over the situation! Maybe glares but not hunting us down!" I replied while trying to not to fall down the flight of stairs. We could hear Marcia and her closest minions following us.

"Mon Dieu!"

Pia dragged me round the corner and hid us between a corner and wall.

"Where are they?" Marcia's voice echoed around the walls. We froze, frightened that she would pop her head round and find us.

"I think they just disappeared," Courtney said dumbly. She was the reason why people think blonds are dumb. However, she was a cheerleader who also wanted me dead. We heard their heels come closer then Pia decided we needed to move fast before we got caught. She grabbed my arm and we started running again.

"Get them!" Marcia screeched.

The chase was on. We left the building and started going towards the sports block. Once we entered, we started checking every door for a room that was empty in haste. Marcia was getting too close to us.

"Here!" Pia exclaimed. We rushed into the room and closed the door.

"Now we won't die!" She said pleased with herself.

"What are you two doing here?" A voice that sounded like Ryan.

We turned to see 20 semi-naked guys staring at us. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. Pia had the decency to look embarrassed.

"We.. Er...well, you see-" I started.

"They can't have been dumb enough to go in the boys' changing room," Courtney said ironically in every sense.

My eyes widened in fear and Pia gained some confidence then pointed at Hadrian with a shaking finger.

"You! This is your fault. We are going to die because of your girlfriend and I will haunt you for eternity," she hissed in the voice of a witch. I almost laughed at Hadrian's face. For a second, he seemed scared but sighed and walked towards us. He was radiating so much heat, I was almost sweating. Maybe he's a werewolf. Hadrian opened the door and did the worst thing imaginable. Called Marcia.

"Babe! Come here!" He shouted smirking as usual.

"Oh hi darlin." You could hear the sweet façade she put on, hiding her true nature.

"Are you looking for anyone?"

"Yeah. Pia and that new girl," she replied.

"Well, look who we have here!" Hadrian said in fake shock. "Pia and Rhea have come to say hi."

It was over. I swear I could feel the anger within Marcia. Pia started praying for forgiveness when she kills Hadrian.

"Hmm, what a surprise. Can I have a word with both of you?"

How I would have loved to say no but Pia beat me to it.

"Mak, you can say it in front of all of us. We're all friends here," she said bravely. The rest of the boys mumbled words of agreement and judging by Marcia's tight smile she knew she had no way out.

"I-I just wanted to... Ask you if you wanted to come to the boys' practise after school to watch with us."

"Oh we would love to. Wouldn't we Rhea?" Pia said sarcastically. I nodded my head.

"Okay... I'll be on my way. Come on Jasmine and Courtney." Marcia walked away but not without a final glare at Pia and I. This isn't over, she mouthed before she disappeared.

Pia began turning red and suddenly launched herself at Hadrian. Ryan managed to grab her before she got to his best friend so she turned to insults.

"You complete fool! You are evil, you son-of-a-b*tch! If I wasn't 5'3, I would punch you so hard that you'd drop dead. Let go of me!" She screamed. Ryan decided to release her when she was calm. Pia brushed back her hair and glared at Hadrian. Then with a roar, ran towards him again.

"What the f*ck? Ryan control this girl!" Hadrian said trying to hold my possessed friend. I shook my head and brought out a tea bag.

Pia stopped moving and stared at the tea bag hypnotized. She began walking towards it as if in a trance then grabbed it. I pointed towards the door and told her to go to our dorm room. Then she went obediently.

"How did you do that?!" Ryan said in awe. The rest of the boys looked confused as well.

"She's a descendant of Mad Hatter. He loved tea and so does she. So I learnt how to Magyk up different flavours," I shrugged. "It helps calm her down. Bye."

I saw Hadrian laughing in the corner then he caught my eyes and smirked.

He will be the death of me.


- 3 in a day! Congrats me!

I have nothing to say so this is the end XD

XO Nyx_

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