12. Revenge is served hot

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I opened the dorm room to see Pia in crutches, supported by Ryan.

"Is she stable?" I said without taking my eyes off Pia who was sulking. She hobbled past me then collapsed on her bed.

"I guess so..." He patted my shoulder and wished me luck. I closed the door behind him and sat down on my bed. We sat in silence for a few minutes until Pia broke it.

"We need a plan." She looked at me seriously.

"What for Pia?"

"Mission take down Marcia."

My eyes widened as I thought she had found out what Hadrian told me to do.

"I think we should kill her or beat the life out of her." I released a breath but I felt like she had to know because she could save us using her strange methods.

"Pia... HadrianhasmadeadealwhichIcan'tgetoutof," I burst out quickly.

"Oh darn it! What was the deal?" Pia replied with worry. I raised an eyebrow wondering how she understood what I said but continued to explain.

"Well, he said he would help me - I mean us - get revenge if I find out what he is. But if I dont he'll burn down our building."

Pia froze and closed her eyes. "He'll do it so you need to find out ASAP. And I also want the revenge part."

"Do you know what he is?" She automatically paled then reopened her eyes.

"Erm... Yes... In a way... But I can't tell you."

"Why the hell not?" I asked exasperated.

Pia shook her head."I physically can't. It's some curse thing. No one in the school can if they know, which is a very small amount of people. I can only give you clues."

"F*cking great. I have 4 more days to find out what he is. He could be a man-goat for all I know." I hid my face in my pillows to muffle my screams.

"He definitely is not a goat," she started laughing."But I will tell him that you said that."

"Don't you dare." Turning my head, I playfully glared at her.

Once we finished laughing, Pia went back to the original conversation - Marcia.

"Can't you just curse her or something? I want her to feel pain," she begged. I grinned at her then went into our bathroom.

"Fine! I'll write on my cast 'as a result of Marcia' so the world knows she's evil. Pure evil."

"Okay Pia," I called from the bathroom.

"And look in the library. It might help you find out if Hadrian is a man-goat."


The class packed their bags as it was the end of our French lesson and the start of lunch. I could feel Marcia's eyes boring into me so I turned, smiled then walked away. I had to be the bigger person... For a while. Pia stood outside the room leaving on the door.

"Hey Ree! I walked all the way here for you, my pumpkin jam. Time for lunch."

"Not now. I'm going library," I replied simply.

"Ahh. The Hadrian thing. Well, I'll see you later."

I entered the Banqueting hall and saw that there were only a few people around. The librarian looked at me briefly then she continues stacking books on a shelf. Quietly, I walked up to her.

"Excuse me, I need some-"

"Shhhh!" She interrupted.

"I just need some help-" I tried again.


I grabbed a piece of paper from my bag and wrote down my request then handed it to her.

Is there a section on heritage?

She glanced at it then looked at me disapprovingly.

"Why didn't you just say so before? It's at the back." She pushed her trolley full of books away from me while I stared at her back incredulously. I have more serious things to be concerned about, I thought before going to the back. There were rows and rows of books but after a long 10 minutes later, I found the heritage area. It was a small section with around 20 books. One of the books were larger than the rest so I decided to pick it up.

"What do we have here?"

I jumped up in shock at the sound of the voice to see Hadrian's eyes watching me with amusement. He took the book from my hands then flicked through to stop on a page.

"This isn't going to help you at all."

"Why not, Hadrian?" I said grabbing the book back.

"It will only say the obvious. My family are originals, we're dangerous, some religions include us, myths are made about us blah blah. Not very useful like I said."

"Myths. So now I have to go through different myths and guess what is mostly like you? Or see what's common in religions?" At this rate, I was never going to find out what he was. Maybe I could try and save the girls...

"No, you couldn't and I'll help you. Place in America."

"Did you read my mind? And that's not a clue." He leaned closer, invading my personal space.

"Depends how you see it, Montero." I tilted my head back to look him in the face. He has really long eyelashes...

"Hadrian DiRomero, you have a message," the librarian squeaked. I noticed that Hadrian was a bit too close to be considered normal so I stepped back. As usual, he smirked and went up to the girl-child-woman then took the envelope from her hands. He gave me one last look and disappeared off.

Sadly for me, I'm not good at geography.



BTW next chapter is going to be different ^^ due to a request from an amazing person XD

Could Hadrian be... A werewolf?

Nyx_ XO

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