28. Forgive me for I am sin

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Hadrian's POV

To say that Pia was p*ssed wouldn't be a strong enough word to describe her emotion. As soon as Rhea disappeared, she decided to roast me.

"What was that Hadrian?"

"What was what?" I sat down on the table, ignoring the stares from my team.

"That was harsh," Ryan chipped in. "Like harsh-harsh."

"I got it the first time," I said bored. I attempted to take one of Pia's waffles but she stabbed me in return.

"You didn't have to embarrass Rhea, you d*ck." She pressed her fork deeper in my skin.

"I didn't f*cking do anything!" The fork went into my skin, drawing blood.

"Rhea doesn't even have a boyfriend but for some reason you exploded." Pia looked me in the eyes even though she was still injuring me.

"Then explain the messages."

"Simple illusion spell. If you were calm, you would have saw through it."

"The flowers and chocolate."

"From her mom. I told them to change the name on purpose."

I removed the fork from my hand that was now covered in blood. There was no chance I was going to admit anything and Pia knew that. She gave me a look of annoyance and continued eating but with her fingers. Ryan dragged me away from the table so we could 'talk'.

"Here's paper towel for your hand." I took it from him. "As your best friend-"

"You sound like a p*ssy."

He continued. "I honestly have no idea why you got angry. Unless... you like the girl."

I flinched. "I don't like her. She's annoying."

"We're not in 3rd grade, bro."

"Don't care. I just got out of a f*cking relationship. You think I'm looking for a new one?"

Ryan shook his head. "Well, I hear Marcia's moved onto Noah. Very quickly by the way."

I was aware of that and I wasn't going to let both of them get away that easily. I ran my normal hand through my hair and smirked at Ryan. "I have somewhere to be."

"Please tell me you're not killing anyone."

"A pretty girl once said to me, 'kill 'em with kindness'".

"That was Selena Gomez," he said wearily.

"Exactly. She's hot." I saluted Ryan and made my way to my next destination. Rhea.


I arrived to find my things outside with the door locked. I knocked on the door and waited for Rhea to answer it.

"Rhea! Open the door." I got no reply and tried again. "Can you please open the f*cking door!"

No reply. I swiftly unlocked it and swung the door open.

"Why didn't you- wow..." I walked in to see Rhea dancing in her underwear, headphones in. She turned to see me leaning on the wall and automatically threw a pillow at me.

"What the heck? Hadrian go away!" She grabbed a shirt that looked too big for her and put it on, blushing.

"I like how our relationship has moved to a point where you wear my clothes," I said pointing to my white shirt.

Rhea stared at the clothing, eyes wide. "Oh my god!" She whispered. "Can you leave me alone?"

"I'm here to... Apo... Apolo..." I tried to say. Rhea raised her eyebrows.

"Apologise? For what Hadrian? Because I don't care." She folded her arms, unintentionally emphasising her chest. I shook my head and concentrated on her face.

"So are you saying I can go and ask Jessica out?"

"No... Wait, yes. And her name's Jenny," Rhea said flustered.

"Okay, I'm going now." I started to go towards the door but she grabbed onto my arm.

"Are you just here to annoy me?" she asked. I could see that she was some what jealous and I smirked at her.

"I need you to help me. Be my girlfriend for a bit."

She froze, looking horrified. "That was very unromantic and no. Not with you."

"Why not? Just look at me."

"I am and that's why I don't agree."

I leaned into her, smelling the soap she used. I pressed my lips to her neck and trailed it to her ear. "Fine. You don't have to be my girlfriend but I've still called dibs on you."

I pulled away from her and dumped my stuff back in the room. I grinned then walked away.

"Bye, beautiful," I called over my shoulder.


*sighs while watching Hadrian leave*

I've decided I'm going to cause some trouble (smiles evilly)

Have a good day/night/afternoon /pre-midday snack!

XO Nyx_

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