38. Smoke is my body odour

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People were rushing in the attempt to leave the cafeteria as another chandelier crashed down. You could hear the cries of people who had been hit and those who almost was. Hadrian grabbed my hand and started dragging me through the crowd.

"Where are we going?" I shouted, trying to be heard above the chaos.

"I need to find Helios," he replied. He looked calm, unnaturally calm as if he knew this was going to happen. Finally, we found Helios clutching a terrified Becky under a table.

"Both of you. Get out of there," Hadrian commanded. They both did as he asked and looked less tense.

"Hade, what is going on?" Helios asked. He acted as if he was brave but you could see the hidden fear in his eyes.

"I'm sorry but I have to do this." Hadrian drew back his fist and punched Helios in the temple, leaving him unconscious.

"What the f*ck? Why'd you do that?!" I screamed at Hadrian who was dragging Helios' body behind another table. He gestured that I should help him. Becky, on the other hand, ran away in panic. Hadrian watched her disappear among the crowd and swore.

"Sh*t. She's going to get possessed."


"Here. Put this on him." He handed me a rosary. I put the religious item on Helios' neck but I questioned it. "What can this do?"

"A demon can't step or enter anything religious so they can't possess him. The same way I can't hang out with witches."

"We have witches in our school."

"Exactly and I don't hang out with them."

"I swear that's racist." He rolled his grey eyes at me which for some reason looked very sexy. He pulled me up and led me in the opposite direction everyone was running to. I saw the fire exit we were walking towards which he swiftly opened. We were now outside.

The scene looked like a horror movie. Everyone was running but the dorm buildings were locked, trapping the seniors out. But what scared me the most were the creatures attacking anyone they could get to. They were hissing and had no face. Their bodies were deformed, some looking more human with others looking like giant spiders.

"They're demons," Hadrian whispered. He stepped in front of me, blocking the sight of our peers fighting off the monsters and cupped my face with his hands. The thought that Pia was somewhere in the chaos scared me.

"Hey. Look at me," Hadrian said, forcing me stare into his eyes which were changing back and forth from grey to black.

"Are we going to die?" I asked him quietly.

"F*ck no. You're mine, I called dibs on you and anything of mine won't get hurt."

He grabbed my hands and placed a rosary in my palm. "You need to find Becky. The demons can only possess her, Tom and Helios so you're okay."

"What about you?"

He sighed. "I need to finish something. But I promise if you're in danger, I'll be there in a second. Now go into the main building. She'll be there."

I ran the best I could in heels towards the place Hadrian said Becky was. Once I was inside, I took notice of the light bulbs that were smashed leaving the hallway pitch black. I used the wall to guide me while my heart was pounded so hard I thought it would come out of my chest.

"Becky? Becky, are you there?" I called out to the dark. No reply. I felt my way to the stairs and went up them to the top floor where I finally found a classroom that was lit. Opening the door, I found Becky on the ground crying.

"Becky? What's wrong?" I asked, coming close to her. She turned to me her eyes red.

"I know who's doing this. I remember now," she sobbed.

"Who-" I didn't notice that a demon had entered the room and was about to take over Becky's body. But it was too late. It sunk into her and her eyes turned black, also covering the white.

"You need to die," it said in Becky's voice. A giant knife appeared in her hand and she moved towards me menacingly. I used my Magyk to try and slow her down by freezing her feet to the floor. Becky didn't try to escape but instead began throwing daggers at me. I used my arms to protect my face and hid behind a desk only to hear them drop to the floor.

"Hadrian DiRomero, how's life without wings?" the possessed Becky hissed at Hadrian who had suddenly appeared.

"How's life in Hell?" he replied, smirking. A black sword with a slight curve at the end appeared in Hadrian's hand and he sunk it into her body. It didn't cause any physical injury but Becky dropped to the ground as if she were dead. I ran to her, checking if she was alive.

"She's fine. It's a shadow scimitar so it can't hurt her only the demon that was inside."

I gave a sigh of relief but remembered something. "Becky said she knows who's doing this."

"I thought it would be obvious by now. Where do you think these demons came from?"


"And who's the one who can open a portal to it?"

"It's always him, isn't it?"

He grinned. "Yep."


So we have 5 more chapters to go! ^^

Scimitar = type of sword (in case you don't have WiFi)

And if you didn't realise, the HIM is our favourite cousin Noah

XO Nyx_

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