30. Disappearing Magyk

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"And then he told me... He loved me!" Marcia gushed to her disciples. They giggled and sighed over her 'fascinating' story. We were in our ECM class as the holiday had ended, waiting for Mrs. Grimm to make an appearance. Marcia decided this was the best time to explain her new status to the cheerleaders.

"OMG! I almost forgot to tell you about the girl he dated last. Noah said she was a complete b*tch that was so clingy. He told me he only dated her because she could help him get better grades. Her name was... Hmm, Rhea you went to the same school as Noah. Do you know who she was?" She smiled sarcastically.

I ignored her because I had nothing to say to the witch. A scrunched up piece of paper hit my head. I didn't pick it up, wary whether it would explode or make me green. Another ball was thrown at me and I got up to shout at the person responsible.

"Who the f*cking hell is doing that?"

Marcia smirked and waggled her fingers to reveal it was her. I walked over to her table, ready to rip out her extensions from her head. But, I was stopped by an arm that wrapped itself around my waist across my stomach.

Judging by the unnatural body heat, I knew it was Hadrian. He pushed me back into my seat then stuck both of his middle fingers at Marcia before sitting down next to me. The girls behind starting muttering, probably deciding how to twist the story to make it more dramatic.

"Hadrian what are you doing here?" I whispered to him.

"I have to go to lessons."

"Now you've decided school's important?"

He rolled his eyes at me. "I've been tagged. If I dont go, I get electrocuted." I noticed the black band on his wrist.

"Can't you take it off?"

"So you finally talk to me after we almost kissed and you talk about school?"

"I don't want to talk period."

I turned to face the front where our teacher had just entered. I could see him smirking in the corner of my eye as Mrs. Grimm began the lesson.


I hurried out of the classroom when it was over to avoid Hadrian. I ran down the staircase, round the corner to bumped into a hard chest that was leaning on the wall.

"Excuse m- Hadrian?" My eyes widened in shock.

"Why, hello Rhea. Where are you running off to?" He said cocking an eyebrow.

"But you were... And... " I stuttered.

"Rhea! Hadrian! Wait!" Pia came running at us with Ryan in tow. I waved at her in greeting but she pushed my hand back to my side and grinned. "Guess what the latest gossip is! Headline is Hadrian came to protect his new love against his ex."

"Not true at all."

"Depends how you see it."

I glared at Hadrian but he simply shrugged his shoulders. Pia looked from me to Hadrian then back again.

"Are you guys dating because I'll be offended that I wasn't told about it."


"Friends with benefits."

He attempted to pull me into his arms but I dodged away and hid behind Pia. I realised she was having a vision as her eyes had changed to amber.

"Oh sweet peas and rice. A girl's been kidnapped." She whispered in horror. Giving Hadrian a look, she moved to drag him away. "I'll see you guys later. I need to talk to Hadrian. Ryan, I'll tell you later. Bye."

I stared at her in confusion as she and Hadrian went away from Ryan and I. Ryan looked calm and started going towards his next class while I wondered what made Pia so scared.


I know it's shorter than usual and I'm sorry.

BUT I PROMISE next chapter will be hshdvsbjsj... That amazing XD

Did you know that this book is close to the end? *crowd cries* Sorry but we are soon going to start the count down..

XO Nyx_

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