15. What is mine is not yours

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I picked at my sandwich, staring at Noah's familiar features. Light brown hair with a straight nose, sprinkled with freckles. He looked up and smiled. I diverted my eyes to my food. For the last 2 hours, he had followed me to all my lessons as for some reason we had the same timetable.

Suddenly, Pia slammed her hands on the table attracting some attention from people siting near us. "Both of you need to talk. I'm going to find Ryan." I watched her leave with longing.

"Why are you here Noah?" I asked.

"To eat."

"Ha ha. Be serious."

"I came for you. I've missed you and you never replied to my message." The same message I purposely ignored with good reason. He reached over the table to hold my hand and look into my eyes.

"We broke up on bad terms and I want to make it right."

"Why the hell are you here?" A voice echoed above me. I raised my head to see Hadrian glaring at Noah with pure anger.

"H-Hadrian? You're here as well?" Noah stuttered in surprise.

Hadrian looked down at himself and began patting his body as if to check if he was real. "Yep. In the flesh. But why are you breathing the same air as me?"

Noah glanced at me, his hands trembling. "She's mine."

"You're f*cking lying. I know you are."

"If I'm lying then you belong with that wh*re you call a girlfriend." You could tell that Noah said the wrong thing as Hadrian punched him hard enough he fell to the floor. Blood poured out of his nose and mouth leaving him groaning with pain. At this point, everyone was watching this play out. I stared at Hadrian in horror and shock. Like before, his eyes were now pitch black and he was breathing hard. He swiftly kicked Noah in the ribs causing a crack to be heard.

Security guards came into the cafeteria and pushed Hadrian over the table to handcuff him. Surprisingly, he didn't fight back but let them restrain him. He gave me a look of disgust then spat at Noah.

"Next time I see you, I'll kill you." Hastily, Hadrian was led out of the building. The room was still with the annoying sound of Noah moaning in pain. Some people came forward to take him to the school doctor.

Once he was gone, the whole room erupted into whispers and speculations. People also began pointing towards me probably trying to find out how I was involved. I felt someone tugging on my jumper and was pleased to find out that it was Pia. We went outside to avoid the stares.

"What happened?!"

"I don't know. Hadrian was protecting Marcia because Noah called her a very bad word." Pia raised her eyebrows because she knew I had a very colourful vocabulary.

"How does Hadrian even know Noah? How do you know him?" I asked Pia. She gave me a small smile.

"They're cousins. And I only met Noah once with Ryan."

"Oh." Obviously, those cousins didn't get along but they didnt have anything in common which made sense. "What's going to happen to Hadrian?"

"Aw you care about him." I frowned at her. "I'm joking. He's just going to be trapped in his room until he calms down."

"Maybe he won't ask me what he is." I felt so pleased but Pia shook her head.

"He's not that dumb. He's playing tomorrow so he'll be free by then, question and all."




XO Nyx_

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