31. The part where I hate you

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It was the end of the day and I was going to my locker to put my books away. The hallway was packed so I had to elbow everyone. I finally reached my locker to find a group of girls hanging in front of it. They were talking so loud and didn't hear me when I asked them to move.

"I can't believe Becky's missing," a girl said crying.

"I know. It's horrible. Who would do that?" Another girl pitched in.

"Marcia?" said one with mousey brown hair. They all shook their heads.

"I heard that Hadrian was taken in by the Head to be questioned."

"DiRomero?" I asked. They all turned to me for butting into their conversation but widened the circle for me to join.

"There is only one Hadrian in the school. And even though he's the hottest guy I have ever seen in my life, he's dangerous," the crying girl stated.

The rest of the girls started discussing their theories but I moved over to my locker and got what I needed. Hadrian was questioned? I wanted to know why but I wasn't going to find out through a group of gossiping people. I decided to find Hadrian himself.

I had no idea where his locker was so I assumed he was with Ryan. As I walked, I finally saw the back of his head. I tapped his shoulder to get his attention.

"Hadrian, why do I- oh... I'm sorry," I faltered. Hadrian turned, revealing the girl he had been with. His lips were swollen and red while the girl looked flushed. Hadrian's eyes widened in shock.

"Sh*t. Rhea, please," he pleaded.

I looked at the girl who was staring at us, confused. I forced a smile on my face.

"I just came to ask a question but it's okay." I turned to walk away but Hadrian slid in front of me, blocking my path.

"Rhea, it's not what it looks like."

I snapped and glared at him. "Guess who said the same thing? Your sworn enemy, Noah. Maybe both of you are exactly the same."

"We are not the f*cking same. Don't you ever think about comparing me to him," he said angry.

"I don't know what to think when it comes to you." I went around him but he put his hands on my hips to stop me. I hit them away automatically.

"Why are you making a big deal out of this?" he whispered frustrated.

"I'm not. We're not together so I don't care. I just want to get away."

"From me? Good luck with that because I'm not letting you go."

"You never had me. You can go with any girl whenever. I'm not a possession. I can do what I want."

The girl he was kissing tried to pull Hadrian away but he shrugged her off. "Go away. Can't you see I'm busy?"

"Doing what? Talking to this b*tch?"

"I'm not a b*tch!" I hissed at her. She flinched at the sound of my voice.

Hadrian looked even more furious. "Jade, you have three seconds to disappear before I do something I won't regret." She immediately ran off.

"Nice taste in girls. I definitely won't be dating guys like that."

For some reason that was the wrong thing to say to Hadrian as his eyes turned black. He pushed my back into the wall but angled his body so it seemed as if we were having a friendly conversation.

"You're not going to date any guys," he stated calmly.

"You want me to become a lesbian?" I rolled my eyes.

"No. But watch what happens to any guy who asks you out." Hadrian smiled and started to walk away.

"You can't have the last word," I shouted at him. He turned, smirking.

"I just f*cking did."

I walked in the other direction, fuming with anger. Who did he think he was? The familiar face of Tom was smiling at me.

"Hey Rhea. Do you have a sec?"

"Yeah. What's up?"

"So the Winter Ball is coming up and I wondered if... you would like to be my date?" Tom was a nice, normal guy and Hadrian wouldn't hurt his friend. So I gave him an answer.

"Yes, I'd love to."


Poor Becky (Shoutout to the real Becky! ^^)

Dedicated to @ReadingWritingRain because her comments are just so funny and she's a lovely person XD

And what is up with Hadrian??? Well, I know, you don't. Hehehehe

Anyway, thank you if you are still reading. Not sure why but well done!

XO Nyx_

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