16. I know what you did in the dark

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It's not like I gave up immediately, it took some time. I searched every map to see if anything could help me guess what Hadrian could be. Even google couldn't advise me and that said a lot. In the morning, I suggested to Pia that he could be hell as a person. She gave me a ha-you're-funny-not face and said:

"That would mean heaven is a human. And how could he be hell? Do you see demons running through him?"

"It depends on how you imagine hell."

I learnt that Pia has a tendency to throw books at people when they question her questions. With a bruise on my cheek, I carried on with my day praying that Hadrian was too angry with Noah to be let out. However, judging by the buzz from the girls, our bad boy had been released from the confinments of his room. Great.

I spotted Noah leaning against my locker and went towards him to find out how he was able to walk. He smiled shyly at me while holding a bunch of flowers.

"For you. To apologise for the events yesterday with... My cousin."

I took the flowers from him hesitantly. He had never ever given me gifts when we were dating so why now? I could always burn them later.

"Erm... Thank you?"

"Your welcome."

We stood in silence. I wanted to get to my locker so I was about to ask him to get out of my way but he was looking at me strangely. Maybe because the wicked witch of the west was nearby. And yes, I had gained a form of spidey sense so could tell she was behind me.

I spun around to see Marcia frowning or smiling, I couldn't tell.

"Who is that? And why is he giving you flowers? Are you dating him?"

I stared at her in surprise. Not because she was asking me questions, it was because she could form sentences that didn't sound too evil. It must have been a sign that world would end. Or she wanted to be her very own version of gossip girl.

"That's your boyfriend's cousin. I thought you knew that and he has freewill so he can give flowers to whoever." I pushed Noah to the side so I could get my books for my tutoring session and my last lesson. I noticed that my EMC textbook wasn't there. That meant more walking. Having to use my legs. My day was just getting worse and worse.

"So... Are you dating him?" Marcia asked curiously. I could almost swear she was flirting. Her hair was just swishing around as if she was trying to make it defy gravity.

"Yes," Noah said at the same time I said, "No." I glared at him. I was an independent Pringle, I don't need anyone but muffins. He should know that. Especially as I broke up with him for that reason.

"I don't have time for this."

I left them alone. Leaving anyone with Marcia was a great enough punishment.


End of the day. End of Friday. The day of judgement and I had my answer. Ryan helped me during lunch while Pia was putting his hair into small buns. Totally normal.

The whole school was excited. The first football match of the year so people were wearing blue, white and black some holding toy tigers. I saw a guy who had shifted into an actual tiger which a few of the cheerleaders began giggling and petting it. The only people missing were the actual football team who had to go and practise until the match.

When Pia told me that, I was so pleased as that would mean no Hadrian so no tutoring session. I walked back to the girls' building to get dressed into some more school spirited clothing. I searched my closet for clothes but stopped when I heard something the window. I peered down and gasped. Hadrian stood there calm smirking at me.

"You thought I forgot, didn't you." I noticed he was holding gasoline. He realised I had saw it and smirked even more. "I've already poured this around the building. The doors are locked and your window can't open wide enough for you to escape. I just need a match."

A flame erupted in his hand and he held it over the trail of gasoline. My heart was pounding as I didn't expect him to be that serious.

"So, Montero, I'm gonna be kind and give you 3 guesses. All wrong, see you on the other side."

"I thought you have practice."

He looked at me bored. "I'm currently not allowed to go for that but I'm in the game."

"Oh." I racked my brain for my answer which I had forgotten for a second. "My first answer. Hoe."

Hadrian gave me a look of disbelief. "What the f*ck? How the hell did you get that?"

"Ohio. O-hi-ho. Hoe."

"That's not how you f*cking pronounce it. And you're wrong anyway."

"So you're not a hoe?"


"Okay." What else could he be? I thought of something else but I really did not want to believe it. "Virgin."


"Wow. Hadrian is not a virgin? Wait, I'm not surprised. I was sure Virginia was the place."

Now I had a single guess. Hadrian sat down probably fed up of my attempts.

"Do I need to burn down this building right now?"

"No. Erm..." To be honest, I didn't like my final choice because it made no sense but I had not choice. "L.A. Are you...an...angel?"

The flame disappeared and Hadrian got up and gave me a dark look.



- Sorry.

And now you know what he is. hurrah!!!!


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XO Nyx_

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