17. Go Wildcats

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"Wait, I'm right?" I said in surprise.

"I just said yes."

I stared at him, trying to figure out how he of all people could be an angel. I knew the school had werewolves, vampires, shifters, fae, witches and more but I hadn't heard of angels.

"Where are your wings?"

"Show me yours and I'll show you mine," he replied amused at my disgust while raising his eyebrows in suggestion.

"Ew. No. But I don't under-"

"No offence but can you hurry up and come down because people are going to think I'm talking to a window."

I dug into my closet and changed into a pair of ripped blue jeans, black Timberlands and a white jumper. Very casual, I thought. I left my dorm and met Hadrian outside. I noticed he was wearing jeans instead of the sport uniform.

"Are you going to wear that in the game," I asked incredulously.

He shook his head. "I'm changing later." We began walking in silence towards the school stadium. I was going to start talking but a group of around 30 girls from the grade below approached us - well, Hadrian.

"OH MY GAWSH! You're Hadrian! I'm a huge fan," a red headed girl squealed.

"Thanks." The girls openly sighed when he gave them a dazzling lopsided smile. I may have sighed myself but it was more or less inaudible. I hope.

"Do you girls want anything?" They obviously did as some started thrusting paper at him to sign while other took photos with him. I even saw a girl give him a bra to sign. Hopefully, she doesn't have a boyfriend...

After 20 minutes of me standing like a useless bodyguard, the girls finally decided it was time for them to go and get front row seats. Hadrian, doing his normal IDGAF attitude, continued walking as if nothing had happened.

"You're popular," I stated casually.

"I know. I can sign your bra if you want. Don't be shy."

I had to use all my will power not to slap his handsome face. Maybe it would improve something - like his ego. We made it to the entrance where people were selling snacks and drinks while the music from the stadium boomed from the inside. It was like a concert.

I was about to take my leave when Hadrian put his arm around my shoulders. People around us caught sight of the action and began giving us funny looks. I lowered my head to hide my blushing cheeks.

"What are you doing?" I hissed at him. I tried to shrug his arm off but he put it straight back. Secretly, I liked it... The same way I like chocolate. It's comforting in a way.

"I'm completing my part of the deal. Getting revenge on Marcia," he responded leaning in to whisper in my ear. I could feel his unnatural body heat. "And you're invited to the after party. My room and you can bring 2 people."

Hadrian moved away and began to make his way towards the changing rooms but not without causing a scene.

"A kiss for luck?" He said loud enough that people could hear. He smirked at me when he saw me glaring with embarrassment. Hadrian simply winked and walked away leaving me with the new gossip he had stirred up.



Hadrian:(opens locker room door) What do you want?

Nyx: Excuse me? I think you know why.

Hadrian: I have a game to get to...

Nyx: I'll be quick. So... How's Rhea? (winks)

Hadrian: She's fine, I guess. What else do you want me to say?

Nyx: What you think of her...

Hadrian: She's okay. Good friend to Pia.

Nyx: That's it? (He shrugs) Fine. Marcia?

Hadrian: I don't know. Haven't seen her recently.

Nyx: Will she be at the party?

Hadrian: Probably. Can I go now?

Nyx: No. Are you and Ryan okay?

Hadrian: Yep. I had to pay him but we're fine.

Tom: Nyx, he needs to go now. (starts pushing Nyx away)

Nyx: I know! One more. Your dad's here. How do you feel?

Hadrian: The same (smirks and closes the door in my face)

Nyx: How rude.

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