33. Jealousy makes the devil happy

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Hadrian POV

"Wake up, brother."

"Hello, brother."

"Can I take Rhea on a date, brother? Because she's hot."

I jolted awake to stare at the d*ck known as my brother. He was sitting on the plastic chair next to the hospital bed I was in.

"What the f*ck happened, Seth?"

He admired his fingers then grinned. "You were electrocuted for 'kidnapping' your lady love and now you have been proven innocent. You can thank me later."

"You're a sh*t lawyer. How did you pull it off?" I grabbed the glass of water but spat it out. It was either that was diluted p*ss or my taste buds had been fried. Seth's grin widened.

"I'm the angel of fear, little bro. It always helps to...convince people." He got up and stretched before vanishing.

A doctor came towards me smiling. "You're free to go, young man." I left immediately. Judging by the crowd moving towards the cafeteria, it was time for lunch. I walked straight through the crowd that parted for me in what I assumed was fear. Entering the room, I saw the football team had moved onto a different table away from the cheerleaders. Pia sat with Ryan but I couldn't see her best friend. I went towards the new table and sat down next to Ryan.

"The king is back!" Someone shouted then the rest broke out into cheers and whoops. I stood up briefly and bowed, smirking. Pia leaned forward to talk to me.

"Rhea's been so worried about you. I don't understand why since you're a d*ck."

"Where is she?" I asked, looking around.

"She's coming now," Ryan and Pia said at the same time. I turned to see Rhea walking towards us, not noticing my presence. Her face went through various emotions when she finally saw me. Shock. Annoyed. Confused. Then she spoke.

"Why are you here?"

"I can leave if you want," I replied, getting up. Rhea put a hand on my arm to stop me.

"You can stay. I'm just asking because the last time I saw you, you were..." She flushed, probably with the memory it came with. I grinned in response.

"I was what Rhea?"

Pia stared at us, trying to figure out what was going on. "He was what?" She asked.

Rhea rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Hadrian, why don't you tell them."

I folded my arms and looked at her in fake confusion. "I don't remember. Enlighten us."

She raised her middle finger at me. "F*ck you, Hadrian. I'm hungry so let me eat."

I shuffled my seat so there was a gap between Ryan and I but no chair. Rhea gave me a are-you-serious face and gestured that I should move.

"Rhea, there are no more seats. Your only option is to sit on my lap."


"I'm always serious. Oh, I get it now. You're scared." I raised an eyebrow at her which she responded by narrowing her eyes at me.

"I'm not scared."

"Prove it." Rhea handed me her lunch which was just chunks of fruit and swiftly sat in my lap facing me. She was blushing but looked incredibly proud of herself. I looked past her to see Thing 1 and 2 walk into the cafeteria - also known as Marcia and Noah.

"I told you I wasn't scared," Rhea said forcing me to look at her. I smirked at her and pulled her closer.

"Well done. Now, aren't you going to eat your lunch?"

"You're holding it, duh."

I leaned forward, putting my head on her shoulder to open the container on the table. I picked out a strawberry and put it in front of her mouth.

"Do you expect me to let you feed me?" she said incredulously.

Nodding, I said, "If you don't want it..." I started moving it towards my lips but she grabbed my wrist.

"Don't you dare eat Sam." She took a bite of the fruit without breaking eye contact with me.


I was aware people would be looking but I could only focus on the girl in front of me. At least, until Marcia decided to smash a cup in anger. I turned to see her fuming and did the most civil thing one could do - I smirked triumphantly. She ran out of the room with Noah hot on her heels.

"Hadrian, please tell me you didn't use me to get to Marcia." Rhea stared at me hoping to get the answer she wanted. "Please."

"If I say no, what happens?" I said.

"I won't go with Tom to the Ball."

"What about yes?"

"I'll enjoy every second I spend with Tom, glad I don't have to see your face."

"Then, yes. I used you," I answered unemotionally. Rhea shook her head and got off my lap.

"I'm f*cking tired of this," she muttered then walked over to Pia and whispered in her ear. By the glare Pia gave me, I knew she had told her what had happened. I ignored her and began talking to some of the team.

Was I being a d*ck? Absolutely. But was it necessary? Heck yes.



Nyx: Hello. How can I help?

Noah: I don't know why I'm here...

Marcia: Me either.

Nyx: (looks at paper) Someone called HDR signed you up.

Noah: (annoyed) Hadrian.

Nyx: Marcia, do you still have feelings for Hadrian?

Marcia: (glares) B*tch, of course I don't.

Nyx: Is that why you got jealous?

Noah: Leave my girlfriend alone!

Nyx: Noah. Noah. Noah. You of all people shouldn't tell me what to do.

Noah: (a bit scared) I haven't done anything.

Nyx: Exactly. (laughs) Time is up! Get out.

(Marcia and Noah stare confused)

Nyx: I'm not speaking Hebrew. Go away. (pushes them out the door)


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XO Nyx_

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