4. Ants and lions in uniform

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Students spilled out of the classrooms all moving towards one place. The Lunch room.

"It's a cafeteria Rhea," Pia reminded me. Technically, it's the same thing but she can say what she wants. We went to my locker which was near the entrance of the North wing (school building). This proved useful as we ran outside immediately, dodging students.

"We made it!" I panted while Pia looked as if she was hunting for her lungs. The room was huge and had tables dotted around the place. Glancing at the queue, I saw that it was short and pulled Pia who continued wheezing.

The doors at the back opened and a group of girls in uniform (if you want to call it that) strutted in, all sporting badges with the letters SNC. Sounded like a news agency but judging by the pompoms a few of the girls were holding, I knew these were cheerleaders.

"Turn around Rhea and get your food," Pia muttered to me. I did as she asked but I was still wondering why she was acting strange. But soon the head cheerleader, with her perfect self, answered it for me.

"Pia, love," she said in a sugary sweet voice.

"What, Mak?" Pia answered bored.

"Marcia not Mak. Where's your boyfriend? Hadrian's looking for him."

"How would I know?" Pia looked at her with distaste. It was obvious they were not friends. I realised I was staring so I moved forward in the line but 'Mak' noticed me.

"Who are you?" She pointed at me with her fake claws. I looked at her. How do I approach this?

A. Say Barbie of England

B. Ignore and die

C. Say my name

I was leaning towards A but then saw all the other cheerleaders watching me.

"Rhea Montero. Who are you?"

I heard gasps and saw what could have been someone passing out. I remembered that they were the lions of the school. Cheese and bread, I was screwed. Marcia gave me a look that made me freeze.

"I, Rhea, am the head cheerleader, daughter of one of the benefactors of this school and in a relationship with a prince. I am Marcia..."

As she droned on, I looked past her and saw a tall boy with golden curls come towards us. Obviously a jock, I thought, maybe here to collect Marcia hopefully. Instead, he walked towards Pia and gave her a hug which did not look like being just friends. Pia, being the small person she was, had to go on her tiptoes to hug him back. Cute.

After wasting so much oxygen, Marcia became aware that I wasn't listening and pinched my cheek. My head whirled round to look at her.

"What was that for?" I almost hissed at her. She appeared shocked for a second then glared back at me.

"Listen, b*tch, I am the princess here so remember your place." Her and her minions walk past me in the queue with one of them pushing my plate of food to the floor.

I felt tears come into my eyes. How could they? My poor muffin lay on the floor squashed. He didn't even have a chance to live. Pia skipped back to me and put her arm round my shoulders.

Shaking her head, she gave me a replacement cookie saying, "We must mourn and avenge Moby the Muffin."


When Pia had finally forced herself away from her boyfriend, she took me to a table not too far from the cheerleaders. She sat me down, sat in front of me and grabbed my hand. I tried to take it back but I noticed that her eyes had changed to yellow like a cat.

"Pia? Hello?" She didn't reply but remained still holding my hand. I began looking around to see if anyone else found this wierd but of course everyone continued with their meals with the exception of Marcia glaring at the back of my head.

Suddenly, Pia released me and began eating her food. I waited for her to say something but she continued as if nothing had happened.

"Pia, what was that?" I whispered, eyes wide.

"Why are you whispering?" She whispered back. "And that was my gift, duh."

My mouth opened and Pia put some chocolate inside. I chewed it, giving me more time to respond. So Pia has the gift of holding hands. Okay. That's normal. Not.

"So you're telling me, your gift is to hold hands?"

"No, my strawberry jam. It's to see the future. Well glimpses of it. Also, avoid bananas next week." Her voice lowered to a whisper. "Food poisoning."


- So that is the meeting of my friend Marcia... I'm joking... sort of.

So if we could have a power what would it be?

Mine would be the ability to bake something that doesn't come out as black rocks.

XO Nyx_

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