14. Surprise it's me

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Rhea's POV

"Magyk requires control so to use it you must not be distracted," Mrs. Grimm lectured. "There is only one form of Magyk that doesn't require that but we will learn it later in the year."

I listened bored as I had read this chapter before. I wanted to improve in my lack of using my mystical powers so I had been practising after school. Now, I could change things into something else and use the elements a bit. Like when I filled my glass with water. Although, it was full of dirt, I still did it. Go me!

I felt something hit my head and looked on the floor to see a scrunched up ball of paper. I open it to see runes on it. I looked behind me in confusion to see Marcia smirking with glee. I finally understood why when the paper exploded into water drenching me from head to toe. The class burst out laughing with Marcia pointing and shouting, "Look at the wet rat!"

With my head high, I picked up my bag and left the room. The shame. I walked quickly down the stairs and out of the building. Maybe I should accept Hadrian's offer to get revenge on Marcia because this girl was becoming a bigger b*tch than I initially thought.


Pia and I sat outside with our coats wrapped around us. We decided that we would spend our break where Marcia wouldn't go - near the lake. It was a creepy crystal blue and sat on the edge of the school where the forest was.

"Are you coming to the football game?" Pia asked while applying some lip gloss.

"I don't know anything about American football."

"So? In fact, you have no choice. You're coming." She snapped shut her mirror and pulled a book from her bag. "This book has all the important landmarks in our beloved country. But I'm still surprised you haven't found out by now. Hadrian gave you the biggest clue."

"You could always tell me," I hinted but all I got was a laugh from her.

"Nope. Sorry pumpkin jam. You have until tomorrow so get a wiggle on."

Pia stood up and dragged me up with her. Her eyes opened as if in shock then she began grinning. I cocked my head in confusion but all she did was put her finger on my lips to shush me.

"Oh my gawd!" She squealed. "We have a new student." I shook my head and removed her finger.

"Who is she?"

"She?" Pia looked at me. "It's a boy. He. I need to find out his name. Let's go." She started running toward the school with me jogging after her.

"Where are we going?" I yelled to her.

"The office. He's going to arrive in 3 minutes exact. So we're going to become the unofficial welcome committee."

When we got there, I saw the rude lady at the desk talking to a tall guy who had his back turned to us. Pia went forward to introduce herself.

"Hello, new person. I'm Pia and this is my chicken soup, Rhea." The boy turned around and I didn't expect to see this person.

"Noah?" Pia said in shock, voicing my thoughts.

Why is he here?


-Another chapter! Thank you thank you.

I'll do an interview with a character soon. Comment who you would like!


XO Nyx_

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