34. To flee or not to flee

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The school had a day where the seniors would get their clothes for the Winter Ball, meaning no lessons. You'd go online to some shopping website the school owned, pick what you'd like then order it. However, there was only one of each dress so the girls were going crazy.

"I honestly don't care. I can wear a plastic bag," I said scrolling down the web page.

Pia threw a book at my head. We were in the library using the computers, listening to the squeals of happiness from other girls who had found their chosen dress. "No. You have to look gorgeous. Revenge on Hadrian."

"You should wear that one," I said pointing to her screen. It was an emerald green mermaid dress with off the shoulder straps. "It would make your eyes stand out."

"Hmm. Ryan hates green... Yep, I'm getting it!" She pressed the order button then turned back to me. "Now, don't change the subject. I'm so confused about you and Hadrian. One minute you're fine then you're not talking to each other."

"It's him. I have no idea what's going on myself and I've given up." I clicked on a dress that caught my eye. It was a dark blue ball gown dress with lace sleeves. I immediately ordered it with the mask. "Anyway, I need to think of other things. Like Tom. Luckily, he's back and okay."

"Otherwise you could've gone with Hadrian," she muttered.

"I wouldn't and he wouldn't ask me anyway."

"That reminds me. I have a date with Ryan."

"Where?" I asked. We were in the middle of nowhere with a forest surrounding us. There wasn't anywhere romantic.

"His dorm. Cinema night during the day. Maybe you could come and double with Tom."

I nodded. I had to move on, not that Hadrian and I even got together. Packing my bags, I logged out and left the library with Pia. We strolled outside towards the boys' dorms.

"I think that if you and Tom got together it would be sweet."

"Yeah. Right." I stopped walking as I saw Hadrian approaching us.

"Rhea. Can I talk to you?" He said. He didn't smirk or grin but looked tired.

"I guess so."

"I'll see you later." Pia waved and went off.

He stared at me for a moment then broke the silence. "I'm sorry."

"For what Hadrian? It's my fault for believing there was a chance you liked me."

"I started this and I shouldn't have." He ran his hand through his hair. "I messed up our relationship."

I threw my hands in the air in frustration. "What relationship? You're not my boyfriend."

"But what if I wanted to? And I couldn't because someone put a claim on you already? Rhea, I know I hurt you and played you around but I'm a f*cking angel with rules that restrict me all the time."

"I don't understand." I was stuck on the part that someone claimed me as if I'm a piece of meat on sale. At least people wanted me.

"I'll explain on Friday." Hadrian moved to hold my hand. "I swear I'll fix this. If you have no one to take you to the Ball, I'd be happy to."

"No, I have Tom." Hadrian dropped my hand and his eyes turned darker. "Calm down, please."

"I am f*cking calm," he forced himself to say. "So where were you going with Pia?"

I froze. "On a walk..."

"Don't lie. I can easily tell."

"I was going with Pia on her date."

"What are you missing out?"Hadrian raised an eyebrow as if he was trying to read my mind. I looked down. This was going to go bad or terribly.

"We were going to have a double date," I muttered. His fists clenched and the sky immediately turned dark. Yep, this was going terribly.

"May I ask who with?" He hissed.

"No one..." I started.

"Who, Rhea?"


The sky went back to its normal blue self and Hadrian closed his eyes.

"I need to go," he said scarily calm.


He opened his eyes which were pitch black and looked at me. "I need to go before I do something." He gave me a small smile. "We're like oil and fire. Nice flames but someone needs to burn out. And this time it's me. I'll talk you on Friday."

Hadrian walked away before I could say bye or say anything at all, leaving me feeling like he had taken a part of me with him.


I reached Ryan's room to find him and Pia sprawled over each other on his bed watching an action movie. They didn't even glance at me when I entered but concentrated on the glowing screen in front of them. I sat down on the bed that was empty, assuming it was Tom's.

A door that most likely led to the bathroom, opened and Tom came out.

"Hey Rhea," he said before throwing himself next to me.

"Hi. How are you?"

"Despite being kidnapped and not being able to remember, I'm good." He brought out a blanket and draped it over our feet.

We watched the movie in comfortable silence. That was what I wanted, to be able have a reliable and safe person to be with. Not the drama and hurt Hadrian seemed to come with. Tom turned to give me a smile which I returned and held my hand. I couldn't help but to compare to feeling with when Hadrian touched me. Tom felt nice but with Hadrian, I always felt something - even if it was anger.

I leaned into Tom and rested my head on his shoulder. Whatever it was Hadrian and I had was over and as Elsa said I had to let it go.


Dedicated to my twin (well I believe we could be) @forever_an_elf who is SO AMAZING and made me a fabulous trailer. I'll put it in the next chapter so you guys can see!

And Rhea's dress is in the media so turn on your WiFi/ Data!



Nyx: Hey Tom!

Tom: Hi Nyx. What do you want?

Nyx: I'm interviewing people for the school news paper.

Tom: Okay.

Nyx: (gets out pen and paper) So you're taking Rhea? (He nods) Okay, so why her?

Tom: (blushes) She's very pretty.

Nyx: (raises eyebrow) Are you aware that someone may also like her?

Tom: If someone else likes her, that's too bad. I got her first.

Nyx: Cool. So do you know what her dress looks like?

Tom: Erm... No.

Nyx: (shakes head) Boys. Ask her. Lastly, do you know who kidnapped you?

Tom: I can't remember anything. Sorry. (walks away)


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