41. Accuse R Us

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Hadrian's POV

I found Noah watching the chaos he had made from the empty cafeteria where the Ball should have been. Glass was everywhere and it was still 'snowing'. My cousin stared out of one of the large windows with a wistful expression in his face.

"I never knew I could pull it off so well," he said without turning.

"Me either," I replied on the other side of the room.

"Do you know why I did this? The voices told me. They told me that once I had opened the portal, I could become one of the princes and you would pay the debt."

"What voices?"

"The ones in my head. I've been hearing them ever since we were 13. My plan was going so well until they warned me that you had found your soulmate." He bent over to pick up his silver sword. "So I rushed here and made sure you couldn't touch her. But you did. Didn't you?"

I didn't deny it. "You're not okay Noah."

"Admit it!" He screamed with crazed anger.

"Yes, I f*cking touched her. Now put down the weapon." This only made him laugh.

"Rhea Montero. Such a beautiful girl. Does she know what you are? The mortal immortal. The...disabled angel," he mocked dragging his sword against the ground. "You need to get out of my way Hadrian. But don't worry, I'll keep Rhea for you. Imagine me and her-"

"Don't you even dare finish that f*cking sentence," I hissed at him.

Noah grinned, aware he had hit a nerve. "Language, cousin. You don't want to...go to Hell."

"You b*stard. You decided to use innocent people to open a portal -again - and think somehow I'm going to Hell. Unfortunately, that's not how it's going to play out. You see Noah, I am going to kill you."

"I can't die."

"Are you deaf? I said I will kill you."

His face went through a range of emotions. At first he was smiling then he became enrage. He charged at me with his sword, yelling insults as he came closer. Our swords clanged together as I blocked his attack. Noah swiftly moved his weapon so he could try and stab me.

"You need to go, Hadrian so I can be the dark prince. It should have been me, not the deformed angel you are!" He swung his sword over my head, barely missing me.

"I'm deformed?! You made me like this, d*ck," I seethed. Using my scimitar to stop him from stabbing me again, I punched him in the jaw causing him to fall to the floor.

"Why don't we stop fighting like humans and fight like the angels...well, angel I am," he said getting off the ground. I threw my weapon away from me and he did the same.

Noah took the first move by causing the earth to shake. I stood my ground because it had no effect on me but the giant rocks that sprouted from the ground did. I was lifted into the air by the growing mountain of boulders until I could almost reach the ceiling. Noah's wings took form with the the milk white feathers brushing the ground. He flew into the air over my head, grinning down at me.

"Why don't you jump, Hadrian?" He taunted. "Maybe you'll survive...or not."

"You're such a p*ssy," I replied pointing at him and his wings. "You will never ever take my crown. It's mine."

I clicked my fingers and my shadow began moving without copying my movement.

"So you're going to fight me with a Peter Pan trick? Wow. I'm terrified," Noah laughed.

The shadow ran towards Noah's one and began hitting it. My cousin reacted physically to it as if he was being hit by an invisible force. He was dragged down to the ground, rolling around in vain to remove the non-existent culprit. I materialised next to Noah and looked at his face.

It was the same face of the boy who used to be my best friend. The one who was there for me, shared jokes with me, knew my secrets...But f*ck him. He wants to be me, well, I'll answer his prayer. I picked up a shard of glass then grabbed his wings in my fist and sliced them off. They crumpled into dust while Noah screeched in pain.

"Karma's a b*tch, motherf*cker," I whispered in his ear. While he was crying, I sliced his hand and collected his blood in a small bottle. My phone pinged, telling me I had revived a message. I pulled it out of my pocket and walked away from the suffering Noah.

Seth: Ur girlfriend is crying and I can't really handle tears.

Hadrian: Y is she crying?

Seth: I MAY have killed someone in front of her...

I sighed, stuffing the blood bottle in my pocket then responded.

Hadrian: I'm coming.

I appeared where Rhea and Seth was in a matter of seconds. Rhea was on the floor, crying over the dead body of Tom. Seth stood above her, scratching his head showing his discomfort.

"Ah sh*t," I said. Rhea lifted her head to look at me briefly but went back to mourning my team member.

"Why did he have to die?" She whispered in despair.

"Well, he was possessed by a-" I interrupted Seth's explanation by throwing a rock at him.

"Ree, it's okay," I said gently. She broke down even more which tugged my heart at the sight of her tears. I opened my arms and she fell straight into them, holding me as if I was her lifeline.

"I don't even know if any of my friends are still alive," she mumbled against my chest.

I held her tighter before replying. "Everyone except Tom is okay."

Rhea leaned back to look me in the eyes. "How would you know? What are you? Not the "I'm-just-an-angel sh*t" but what are you the angel of?"

My eyes looked down to stare at the earth beneath my feet. I opened my mouth to try and tell her but I couldn't. Because I was bound not to.

"See," I said pointing to my mouth. "I can't tell you if even I wanted to."

"But I can." Seth grinned cheerfully.


ONE MORE CHAPTER *breaths deep*


ILYSM ^^ *brings out popcorn* & this chapter is dedicated to @marambaider because my chapters would be less detailed XD and she's supported me loads <3

The next chapter will be SPECIAL!!!

XO Nyx_

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