29. Prepare me for the worst

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For the rest of the week, Hadrian had been ignoring me so much so that I hadn't seen him - at all. The only thing convincing me that he was still staying was his things were still on the floor and his toothbrush was being used.

I had also barely seen Pia since she was on her 'honeymoon' with Ryan. But, of course Pia would make her way back to me however with news.

"We are now both on the Winter Ball committee!" She did jazz hands thinking it would create more excitement.

"Should I be happy?" I was sitting on my bed while she hovered over me.

"Yes because I made sure we're not on food duty. We, my sugar lamb, are sticking up posters before everyone comes back from the holidays."

"What type of Ball is this?"

"Masquerade. But Ryan and I have a secret code so we know who we are." She started clucking and waving her arms.

"You can't be serious..." I stared at her in amazement. "Can't you do something less...weird?"

Pia simply laughed as if I was being silly. "Come on. The meeting is going to start soon. And I hear the leader is someone from out of the country!"


We entered one of the classrooms where a few students were waiting for the meeting to start. A girl with long green hair came to the front.

"Hello. Erm... I'm Val and our leader is coming now. She had to leave her holiday early to help us so we are very grateful." The strange thing was Val looked very unhappy and Pia had a vision warning her who it was.

"Oh no! The leader is-" Pia tried to warn me but the person came in.

"Ew. You people chose a classroom to do this meeting?" Marcia said glaring. She was wearing only white. White fur jacket, white shirt, trousers and shoes. She resembled a snowman.

"Hey Marcia," Val waved briefly and sat down.

"Who are you? I don't have time for this. My boyfriend is waiting for me."

Pia decided it was time to annoy her. "Which one?"

The rest of us tried to muffle our laughter as Marcia looked like she wanted to throw a brick at Pia.

"Shut up, freak. At least I can get guys who actually like me."

Normal people would get offended but this was Pia. She smiled and mimed that she had opened a box to reveal her middle finger.

"B*tch, no one likes you."

Marcia, fed up with everyone, quickly gave everyone their jobs and left. Pia and I decided we should work from the top floor down because it would be easier.

"I'll do this side and we'll meet in the middle," Pia said pointing to the left then the main fight of stairs. She handed me the stapler gun and a pile of A3 posters then ran off.

I reached the furtherst part of the school and started putting the posters up. Click. Click. Click. The sound echoed through the empty hallway. I was going to do the top right corner of the piece of paper but I felt someone leaning into me. The person wrapped one arm across my stomach and used the other one to help me do the last staple. Click.

I turned, still in their arms, to see the face of Hadrian. He was so close that I could see the specks of blue in his eyes. I put my hands on his shoulders to push him back but he didn't let go of me.

"Do you come here often?" He said grinning down at me.

"I could ask the same to you as I haven't seen you for days."

Hadrian leaned in to whisper in the crook of my neck. "Did you miss me?"

"Not at all." He started planting kisses on my jaw making me close my eyes.

"Are you still sure?" I felt my back hit the wall and my arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer. He removed his lips from my skin and began to bring them towards my own.

"What the f*ck is happening here?!" Pia exclaimed causing Hadrian to jump away from me. I felt colder from the loss of heat.

"Pia let me explain-" Hadrian started.

"You want to explain why you were about to kiss my best friend on this cold November morning?" She waved her stapler gun as she spoke.

"Yes but-"

"Shut up," Pia growled. "Rhea, did he force you or anything?" My eyes went from Pia standing looking annoyed to Hadrian looking irritated with his hands in his pockets.

"No. He didn't." I just wanted the ground to swallow me up but I didn't think the ground was a carnivore. She turned relaxed.

"Hadrian, please go. I need to talk to Rhea." He turned to go, giving me wave. I didn't wave back because I had no idea what had happened. "Rhea, please tell me I didn't almost witness you and angel boy kissing."

"I don't know. I just don't know." I put my head in my hands. "He's just so... Hadrian."

"I know," she said sarcastically. "That's why you two almost had sex on the wall."

"Don't exaggerate."

"I'm exaggerating? Say what you want Ree but that was sex with clothes without the bed."

"Ew. Can we finish the posters now?"

Pia laughed at my attempt at changing the subject but left me alone.


Nyx: (walks up to Hadrian in hallway) Hadrian you cheated on me.

Hadrian: You're not my girlfriend.

Nyx: It doesn't matter. You kissed Rhea.

Hadrian: (looks round to see if anyone's listening) Shut up. It's none of your business.

Nyx: We could have had it all (tears up a bit)

Hadrian: ...

Nyx: Rolling in the deep... (fake cries)

Hadrian: Helios! (Helios comes over) Please get rid of her.

Helios: Come with me Nyx. (drags her away)

Nyx: You had my heart inside of your hand, and you played it to the beat! (laughs hysterically)

End of Whatever That Was

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